Candice Waiti Richards has been appointed the new manahautū (CEO) of Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust.
Candice Waiti Richards has been appointed the new manahautū (CEO) of Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
Ngāti Whakaue e tū
He karanga tēnei nā Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue me te Arawhiti otīā hoki te tari Māori karauna hononga ki te iwi o Ngāti Whakaue ki a hui tātau ki te wherawhera, ki te tātari i te mana o te Tiriti o Waitangi me tana hāngaitanga ki te iwi. E hāngai take ana, kāore rānei.
Ko tā te whakaaetanga mana kōkiri tuatahi, he takoto i te huarahi ka haerehia e Te Komiti Nui o Ngati Whakaue ki te whakahou i te whakaaetanga mana kōkiri, ka rua, ka whakatakotoria hoki e tēnei pepa mana nui te tāhūhū pouwhakarite o te komiti me pēwhea hoki rā e kawe i ōna ritenga.
E whā ngā hui nei. Ko te tuatahi ka tu ki Tamaki Makaurau, te tuarua ki Kirikiriroa, ko te hui tuatoru ki Maketu, ko te hui tuawha ki Rotorua. E whakaae ana hoki te hui ā tōpā kia kāua e mahue tētehi.
Kīhai anō ki a takoto ngā rā o te hui. Taihoa ake nei ēnei maramara nui katahi ka whakapāohotia ki ngā hau e whā.E rua ngā huarahi e pūare nei ki a koe ki te whakaputa whakaaro, kōrero hoki. Ā īmērā tukua ki: rānei tukua tō reta tuhituhi ki: Negotiation and Settlement Manager – Te Tira Kahukura Te Kāhui Whakatau – Treaty Settlements Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti SX 10111 Wellington.
Me tae ngā kōrero tohe he aha noa atu i mua tonu o te kotahi ngāhuru mā ono o Hurae.
Kāti kia tāhuri noa tātau ki kaupapa hou. Kua puta te kōrero kua riro i a Candice Waiti Richards (Nō Ngāti Whakaue, nō Ngāti Pikiao, nō Ngāti Mākino me Ngāti Rangitihi) te nohanga Tumuwhakarae mō Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust.
E ai ki te Pou Taki, ara te Tiamana ki a Hemi Rolleston, ka nui hoki ngā taniwha i puta ki te whawhaitia i tēnei turanga. Wheoi anō kua tau te puehu kua ara ake ko Waiti te tangata e tika ana ki tēnei nohanga. Nō Rotorua a Waiti.
He kotahi tekau mā rima o ngā tau a Waiti e kawe ana i tana mahi poutiaki pūtea rangatira i ngā kamupene whakahirahira puta noa i Aotearoa nei, ā, tae atu hoki ki whenua kē mahi ai.Kātahi nei a Waiti ka heke i tana turanga tiaki pūtea mō Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake Trust.
E ai hoki ki a Hemi:’ Wahine atamai, wahine kakama, wahine mōhio ki te whakatakoto rautaki, wahine mātau nui ki te ao whika, nō mātau te maringi nui ka noho mai a Waiti hai Manahautū i tō tātau waka “.
E ai ki te Pou Taki o Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakau ki a Rāwiri Bhana:, “He ahakoa e tangi apakura nei mātau i Te Taumata i te wehenga o Waiti kai te kite mātau i te pae tawhiti. Koia ko te oranga tonutanga o Ngāti Whakaue, kāore e kore ka kaha ake a Whakaue i ōna pukenga huhua.
Ngāti Whakaue mihia tō tātau pou manukura e tere nei. Ko te pae tawhiti tēnei e tōia nei e tātau ki a tata. Ko te āpōpō e mahuta ake nei. Kare kau he amuamu i ngā ngutu o tētehi. Ka nui te tautoko i a ia”.
Ko te kupu whakakapinga kai a Waiti:’ E noho nei ahau e harikoa ana ngā kokonga o taku manawa.Mā te mahi tahi e tū motuhake ai te mana o Ngāti Whakaue e kaha ai ngā tamariki me ngā mokopuna. Ka whakakerongia e ahau aku pukenga ki a takoto hāngai pū ana ki ao tauhokohoko e ihi rangaranga ai te taratī otīā taku iwi hoki’.
Hai te Akuwhata o te tau nei ka pōwhiringia a Candice ki tana taumata hou.
— Na Raimona Inia i whakamaori
English Translation
Ngāti Whakaue whānau have a couple of weeks to give their view of their Treaty of Waitangi mandate strategy.
Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue and Te Arawhiti — the Office for Maori Crown Relations — are inviting whānau to give their opinions on the draft Mandate Strategy for the settlement negotiations of the historical Treaty claims of Ngāti Whakaue.
The draft Mandate Strategy explains how Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue will seek a renewed mandate and outlines the representative structure of the committee and the proposed process.
There will be four mandate hui, which will be held in Auckland, Hamilton, Maketū, and Rotorua. Online attendance will also be possible. The specific dates for these hui are yet to be confirmed, but once they are known, the information will be shared with all whānau.
To submit your opinions, you can either send an email to or mail a letter to the following address: Negotiation and Settlement Manager – Te Tira Kahukura Te Kāhui Whakatau – Treaty Settlements Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti SX 10111 Wellington. Make sure to submit your opinions to Te Arawhiti no later than July 16, 2023.
In other major Whakaue news, Candice Waiti Richards (Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Mākino, Ngāti Rangitihi) has been appointed the new manahautū (CEO) of Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust.
In announcing the appointment, the trust Pou Taki (chairman) Hemi Rolleston, said Candice was chosen from a strong list of well-qualified applicants.
Candice Waiti Richards has been appointed the new manahautū (CEO) of Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust.
Candice grew up in Rotorua and has more than 15 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant and finance professional in large organisations in Aotearoa and internationally, as well as more recently providing financial leadership for Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake Trust (Te Taumata) as their Finance Manager.
Hemi said: “Candice’s strategic expertise, combined with a proven ability to deliver commercially and her demonstrated service at Ngāti Whakaue marae and hapū level and in our hapori over many years, will be an asset.
“We are excited to have such a culturally and commercial strong wahine Māori appointed as our Manahautū - to lead our talented operational team and to work alongside our Board.”
Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Pou Taki Rāwiri Bhana had this to say: “Candice’s appointment although a loss for Te Taumata is actually a massive ‘win’ for Ngāti Whakaue. To appoint someone as highly skilled and driven as Candice, who could have just as easily left to work for multinational corporates but chose to stay within our iwi, says so much about her as a person, as a leader, and as an uri of Ngāti Whakaue.
This is Mokopuna Decision making in action, and Te Taumata fully support her appointment to this role. We look forward to continuing working alongside Candice and the Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust in providing more intergenerational opportunities to our people”.
Candice says “I am looking forward to the opportunity to be involved in assisting our iwi to achieve mana motuhake, for ourselves and our mokopuna. I will be focusing my skills in collaboration and commerce to ensure success for the Trust and for our iwi more generally.”