Nau mai ki tā tātou kōrero-ā-takiwā tuatahi mō te tau hou Pākehā nei e kīa nei mō te tau 2022.
Nō tō tātou whakarewanga i te Oketopa i te tau Pākehā kua pahemo atu nei kai te pakeketia te kiriamoto o tō tātou waka kawe kōrero e mea ana te pepehā me whakatau te ihu o te waka ki a Whakaahu ko Whakaahu ki tēnei taha iti o Te Mangaroa inā tonu tātou e pōteretere kau ana i ngā wai kanapanapa o Pikopiko-i-Rangi ka nui te whakaiti ka nui te whakaiti.
Nā kotou, nā te hāpori nā ngā puna rau o Atuamatua i pēnei ai, nā reira te whakamihi atu ki a kotou mā te ngākau Māori anō ngā kōrero a tātou e pae ki ngā tēpū huhua o te rohe puta noa, puta noa anei e whai take ai ngā kanohi.
Kāti hā ! He ahakoa ko te wiki tuwhera o te tau hou tēnei, kua teitei kē tā tātou Maramataka mahi – māturuturu noa te puna kōrero nā kotou i pēnei anō ai.
Nā te mate urutā i whakakore ai te nuinga o ngā kaupapa whakaharahara mō te tau hou, engari nā te mate urutā tonu i whakahuri ai te āhuatanga o tō tātou ao, ka ara ake anō ai he tikanga hou mō te ia rā, mātua ko te tangi atu ki ō tātou tupapaku huhua.
Kia ū tonu tātou ki te aroha i runga i tō tātou mōhiotanga kāre anō te ihu o te waka kia puta i te waha komekome o te urutā. Kia māu, kia manawa kai tutae tātou.
Kia pērātia tātou ki a Ngāti Hinemihi me te āhuatanga ki tō rātou whare tupuna a Hinemihi o te Ao Tawhito e noho mokemoke mai nanā ki Clandon Park i Surrey i Ingarangi.
Me matua whakamihi atu tātou ki Ngā Kohinga Whakairo o Hinemihi Charitable Trust (NKWoH). He pahi rangatira kua roa e kimi oranga mō tō tātou whare nei. Kai te kaha arahina rātou e tō rātou ringatohu i a Rangitihi Pene, ko Colin Tihi te tohunga whakairo rākau, ko Ruakiri Fairhall te rangatira whakahaere kaupapa ko Taipari Mc Leod rātou ko Hemi Herewini ko Tamati Coffey ngā pou-taratī.
E mahi ngātahi ana tēnei pahi me Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga ki te whakarite huarahi e hoki mai ai tō tātou kuia ki tōna ūkaipō.
Ka whakairongia he whare hou e ngā uri o te kāinga ka whakatūria ai ki te pāka o Clandon. He whare-ā-Motu kē te whare kua tapangia ko Te Hono nā tēnei whakaaro rangatira e hoki mai ai a Hinemihi o te Ao Tawhito ki ngā rekereke o ngā pae maunga.
Ko te tupuna whare tēnei i ora ai a Ngāti Hinemihi i te hū nui o Rotomahana i pahū ai i te tau kotahi mano e waru rau e waru tekau mā ono i te tuangāhuru o Hune.
I hokona te whare ki te kawana tianara o taua taima ki a Lord Onslow i te tau kotahi mano e waru rau e iwa tekau mā rua, ka haria ki te pāka o Clandon whakatū ai hai whakamiharotanga māna.
I te tau kotahi mano, e iwa rau, e rima tekau mā ono ka tukua arohatia tēnei tupuna kuia ki te National Trust.
I te Aperira o te tau e rua mano kotahi tekau mā rima ka wera te whare whakahirahira Pākehā o Clandon Park ka pau ki te kāpura e waru tekau paiheneti o taua whare rā.
Kai te whakahoungia taua whare e te National Trust ināianei. He ahakoa i ora a Hinemihi kai te māharahara ētehi ki tētehi rākau kaumatua Oak kai hinga mai ki runga ki tona tāhūhū roa.
Taha māui: Roimata Mihinui, Rangitihi Pene rātou ko Colin Tihi ki Hinemihi Marae, Ngāpuna. Whakaahua / Rawinia Phillips Smith
He kāinga tēnei tupuna mō ngā Māori me ngā tangata katoa o Aotearoa kai Ingarangi e noho, e mahi ana, ko Te Maru o Hinemihi tētehi o ēnei pahi, ko Maina Tapiata tō rātou rangatira, ko Ngāti Rānana anō tētehi pahi, ka whai wāhi atu ai hoki ngā iwi o Poronēhia ki ngā kaokao o Hinemihi hai whare āhuru mōwai mō rātou.
Nā te mana nui o Hinemihi me tōna kaha ki te manaaki i ngā tangata tokomaha i puta ai te whakaaro ki a NKWoH ki te whakawhiti whare, kia whai whare anō ai a Clandon Park kia kāua rātou e noho kāinga kore ana.
Kua tāti kē ngā mahi i Aotearoa nei, nā Ngāti Tūwharetoa i koha mai ngā totara hai poupou, hai pou kaiawha me ōna wāhanga huhua hoki, kai te wātea tētehi pīhi whenua i Ngapuna hai whakairo hai hahau rākau.
Ko te mate kē kāre anō kia tae mai te rahinga me te roanga o te whare i Ingarangi. Taihoa pea ka tae mai ēnā whika.
Engari anō he mōhio nō te hunga nei he ara pāhekeheke, he ara kapi i te tātaramoa te ara nei. Kua mana hoki te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero a Zoom nei me te iwi i Ingarangi, he zui anō kai te haere a tēnei marama tonu ka zui anō rātou a te Pepuere.
Kua whakamoea a Hinemihi i Ngapuna nei kia pau katoa te pūtea nui Provincial Growth e rima rau mano te wāriu i riro mai i a Ngāti Hinemihi hai whakahou i tō rātou tupuna. Taihoa ake nei tana whakapūaretanga.
Whoi anō he whakamihi nāku ki a New Zealand on Air mō te pūtea nei e whai huruhuru ai a Kāhu ki Rotorua. E te Pou Whakarite o Kāhu ki a koe Rawinia Phillips-Smith tēnā koe, ki a Te Mau Aroha Trust tēnā kōrua – Anei taku manawa e tangi nei kua whai kaha anō ai ahau a Ngaroimata Mihinui ki te hāpai, ki te tuhituhi, ki te rangahau, ki te whakpāoho atu i te reo rōreka a Te Arawa haumatangi rau e mana ai tātou te Māori, koia nei taku ihi, taku wehi, taku wanawana – e whai take anō ai te reo ngākau o tēnei kuia – pīe, pīe, kōkoia e ara e.
Tena koutou e te whanau. Nau mai, ki Kahu ki Rotorua mo te tau 2022.
Welcome to our first issue for 2022.
Since our launch in October Kahu ki Rotorua has gone from strength to strength and proven to be way more popular than any of us ever dreamed.
With your encouragement and support we can continue to grow and present happenings in our community with a ngakau Maori. Already we have a calendar full of events of particular interest to the communities of our rohe and it's only the first week of the year.
Covid-19 meant many of our traditional new year celebrations were cancelled. But then Covid meant we had to make many adjustments to our lives, not least how we farewelled loved ones.
All these tweaks and adjustments are not over yet but right through our history we have rolled with the punches, made the best of situations presented to us.
Like Ngati Hinemihi and the saga of the whare tupuna Hinemihi o te Ao Tawhito which sits at Clandon Park in Surrey, England.
Instrumental in the project is Nga Kohinga Whakairo o Hinemihi Charitable Trust (NKWoH) whose board is Rangitihi Pene (director), Colin Tihi (lead carver), Ruakiri Fairhall (project manager), and trustees Taipari McLeod, Heni Herewini and Tamati Coffey.
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and NKWoH are leading an exchange of taonga.
The Aotearoa partners will provide a new set of carvings for a new whare whakairo to be sited at Clandon Park. The pan-tribal whare is to be called Te Hono.
Hinemihi covered in volcanic ash after the Tarawera eruption in 1886. Photo / Supplied
In exchange, the partners will receive and return to Aotearoa the carvings which once adorned Hinemihi at Te Wairoa, Rotorua. Hinemihi sheltered dozens of people when Tarawera erupted on June 10, 1886.
The carvings were sold to the then governor general Lord Onslow in 1892 and taken to Clandon Park. In 1956 they were donated to the National Trust.
In April 2015 the mansion at Clandon Park was 80 per cent destroyed by fire. The National Trust has decided to restore the manor.
Hinemihi escaped the fire but there is a real danger that a protected oak that shelters Hinemihi may fall and crush her.
The tupuna is a touchstone for Maori and other ex-pats living in the UK. Those ex-pats include Te Maru o Hinemihi led by Maina Tapiata, Ngati Ranana and various Pacific communities.
Hinemihi has created such a bond that NKWoH proposed that the exchange of carvings be an exchange of whare for whare, to be developed through consultation with various partners and groups.
Everything is ready to go in New Zealand — logs have been secured from our Tuwharetoa relations, space is available near Hinemihi Marae at Ngapuna to store them and then work on the carvings.
One major stumbling block is the fact there has been no indication from England of the dimensions of the building.
However, nobody involved expected that this would be easy or quick.
The last few zoom hui had appeared to make progress and there is one set this month and another in February.
Hinemihi at home has been closed to allow $500,000 worth of work under the Provincial Growth Fund to take place. Its reopening is soon to be confirmed.
Thank you to New Zealand on Air for funding the work of Kahu ki Rotorua and a huge thank you to our project co-ordinator Rawinia Phillips-Smith, reo and research tohunga Raimona Inia, and Te Mau Aroha Trust for allowing me to produce stories and views from Te Ao Maori about which I am so passionate.