Hinemoa and Tutanekai and the carving of Umukaria at Te Putake o Tawa.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
Ko Tūhourangi , Auahi ana e
He mea whakatō ki te whatumanawa o tēnā o tēnā o ngā uri o Tūhourangi me ngā morehu te hū o Rotomahana.
Nō te tuaono o Pipiri te kotahi mano e waru rau, e waru tekau mā ono te tau pakaru katoa ai te whenua me ngā roto moana. Hai āpōpō tatau tangihia ai te huhua o te tangata i hinga i te hū nui. Ā te tekau o ngā hāora tōpū ai te iwi ki Waitōharuru.
He whakamihi hoki ki te whare wānanga pahikara hou, nā wai rā ka takahia te ara ki Te Pūtake o Tawa mō te whakaterenga o te kaupapa hou, e kī a nei ko Te Whakarewarewa Forest Loop App.
He kaupapa tōpū tēnei i whakaarongia ai e Tuhourangi Tribal Authority, Ngā hapū e toru o Ngāti Whakaue, te kaunihera o Rotorua me CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd.
Nā wai ka heke iho te pahi ki Ngapuna ki te rahi o Ngāti Hinemihi ki reira tātau hākari ai he mataki hoki i ngā whakamiharotanga o te App hou me te mataki hoki i ngā rīpene i rīpenetia i Te Putake o Tawa. He tātai kōrero nā ngā tohunga whakairo rākau me ngā mātanga mahi toi.
Nā Denise Morgan-Koia te kēti i whakarākei . I takea iho te whakaaro whakarākei i ngā taniko me ngā mahi rangatira a ngā ruruhi whatu, nō te kapa haka o Tuhourangi-Ngāti Wahiao te taniko.K o Umukaria te pou nui ko te matua tane ia o Wahiao me Hinemoa.
Nā Tukiri Tini ngā mahi kapukapu me ngā mahi whakairo rākau.Ki tua he powhatu nui i whakairongia ai e Iwi Le Comte ko Wahiao tēnei. Ki tetehi taha o te wāhi taunga motokā ko te pou whakahirahira nā Tawhanga Rika i whakaaraara, ko te taniwha tiaki tangata, tiaki iwi tēnei ko Kataore. Ko te ao hou e kitea ana i etehi o ngā mahi nei.
Tarawera eruption on June 10, 1886. Image / Charles Blomfield
Ki tā Tawhanga mahi he nanao atu ki te tīra me etehi atu kame o te ao nei kia kotahi te noho me te matai. Inā hoki te mana o tana poupou e whā mīta te rahi o te porowhita e noho mai nā i te pou e toru mita te teitei mai i te whenua ki te rangi.
Ko tā Okiwi mahi, e hika ko wai atu, ko Hinemoa me Tutanekai kai te rarangi whakawehe i ngā whenua o Whakaue me Tuhourangi tana taonga e tū ana. Ko te rāhoroi hoki te rangi whakamutunga mō ngā whakaharatau ahurei.
Ka nui hoki te koa o te ngākau e whakatata mai nei te ahurei. Hai te wiki tu ai tēnei rangi ataahua.He poumahi taku taina a Watu katahi tenei wahine whakapou kaha mō te iwi te take, kāore i ārikarika ngā mihi iroiro ana taku puku i āna mahi katoa, hai tāna kua whakamanangia e waru rau e ono tekau mā toru tī hate e Tuhourangi Tribal Authourity ki a noho noa te utu ki te kotahi tekau mā tāra te nama.
E rima rau, e iwa tekau mā ono ngā pakeke ka tū ki te ahurei, kotahi ngāhuru katoa ngā rōpū. He kotahi mano, e wha tekau ngā tī hate kua hokona kētia. Ko Tarawera te whakaahua o mua, ko Tarawera moana ki te tuara me te pepeha o te iwi e mea ana, Tūhourangi Auahi ana e.
He ahakoa tenei he rerekē katoa ngā tai o ia kapa. Kāti he wā whakanui i a tātau katoa, ngā mokopuna, ngā tamariki me ngā kaumatua hoki.
Ko tetehi wāhanga kāore anō kia kōrerongia ko te mahi a taku iramutu a Okianga he mahi whakahirahira nana tonu i waihanga hai kura nui mō tana tamaiti a Kainamu. He paki kōrero e rite nei ki te taimana e noho kau ana i te puku o te tahepuia.
Ā me ko Okianga anō hoki, he ahakoa kai te kēnge a Okianga ko te puku o tana kōrero ko te mauri ora o tana tamaiti.
He toa whakaeke taniwha ko Matarehua te ingoa, hakoke haere ai rāua i ngā wai moana o Tarawera, ka tae ki ngā wāhi nui whakaharahara karapoti ai te moana, nā , ka roa e haere ana ka heke iho a Kano he ruruhi wetiweti ko Kano te tuahine o Kainamu wheoi anō rā nā te kaha o te matua tane ka ora a Kainamu me Matarehua i a ia.
The day begins at 10am with a visit to Waitōharuru the Tarawera Landing which has undergone a revamp. There will also be an introduction to a Mana Whenua biking academy.
Celebrations will then move up the road to Te Putake o Tawa for the formal launch of the Whakarewarewa Forest Loop App.
The app is a joint venture between the Tuhourangi Tribal Authority, Nga Hapu E Toru o Ngati Whakaue, Rotorua Lakes Council and CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd.
The event moves to Hinemihi Marae at Ngapuna for the hakari and viewing of the app and videos of the taonga at Te Putake O Tawa.
The videos include korero with the artists who created the taonga and are amazing — I had a sneak preview.
Denise Morgan-Koia created the gate. The laser-cut steel was inspired by the taniko pattern adopted by the Tuhourangi-Ngati Wahiao kapa in the 1980s.
Hinemoa and Tutanekai and the carving of Umukaria at Te Putake o Tawa.
Next comes our tupuna, Umukaria, the father of Wahiao and Hinemoa. The carver, Tukiri Tini, chose the traditional wood carving.
Iwi Le Comte produced a striking head in his depiction of Wahiao.
Tawhanga Rika created a wonderful artwork depicting the taniwha Kataore who roamed the area. Tawhanga used corten steel and mātai. The disc has a four-metre diameter and sits three metres high.
Okiwi Shipgood’s artwork needs little introduction. It is of the lovers, Hinemoa and Tutanekai, and sits on the boundary of Tūhourangi and Ngāti Whakaue tribal estates on Mount Moerangi.
Saturday is also time for final practices for the ahurei which has been transferred from Te Pakira to Hinemihi following the passing of our kuia, Sally Tawhai West.
Guide Sophia's whare and the Temperance Hotel in Te Wairoa after theTarawera eruption, 10 June 1886. Photo/ Burton Brothers
The place is going to be buzzing and there will barely be standing room if the order for T-shirts is any indication. My teina Watu, one of the organisers, said there are 863 subsidised by the Tuhourangi Tribal Authority at $15 each.
There are 596 adult performers in the 10 kapa on Sunday. A total 1045 T-shirts has been ordered.
On the front they carry pictures of Tarawera maunga, Tarawera moana as well as our pepeha.
Text on the back is Tūhourangi Auahi ana E.
The weekend is a time of whanaungatanga and manaakitanga, and a celebration of our Tuhourangitanga.
A special treat for me — and others who have had a preview — is a simple story created by our iramutu, Okianga, for his son Kainamu.
Like the author, the story is a diamond in the rough. A gang affiliate who has spent time in gaol, Okianga has written a short story featuring a handsome young warrior Kainamu who rides a taniwha called Matarehua around Lake Tarawera.
They have a great time visiting various spots and eating everything in sight. Until a witch called Kano turns up. (Kano is what Kainamu’s sister Kanarahi is called.)
But thanks to his brave handsome father, Kainamu and Matarehua are saved. And they think about getting a hinaki from their koroua to make catching their kai easier.
- The story has been translated into te reo by Rangitihi Pene.
■He aitua. Our kuia and stalwart of our paetapu, Sally Tawhai West, passed away in Rotorua Hospital on Wednesday night. At the time of publication a day for her nehu had not been decided but she will lie at Wahiao and be buried at the Sala St cemetery. Aunty Sally had planned to celebrate her 80th birthday at Te Rau Aroha in September.