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Click here for English translation He pōraka whenua nohinohi nei a Ōwhatiura South 5, he ahakoa tēnei tū āhuatanga ko te pikopiko-i-Rangi e matapoporetia nei e ngā taratī.
Ka rua, kia hua ake ngā painga o te whenua mā ngā uri, mēnā he mahi, he tauira mahi rānei kia tū ake ngā uri i runga i tō rātou ake rangatiratanga i te ao pākihi, kua horahia ngā moemoeā ki te ātea nui hai whainga mā rātou.
Nō rātou te whenua ki te taha hiwa ki ngā pareparenga o Rotorua, koia tētehi wāhi rangatira hoki engari kāre i a rātou te moni me ngā pūkenga ki te whakapakari i tō rātou whenua.
He nohinohi noa tēnei pīhi whenua o ngā pīhi huhua o Ōwhatiura, he whenua kura nō Ngāti Te Roro-o-Te- Rangi.
Engari ki tua o te hiwi o te rori matua e tauro ana i te whare-whakangāhau o Mōtini, he kāinga whakamīharo mō ngā kaumātua e tata oti nei.
Kua pae tata tēnei kaupapa whakaharahara ki tana whakaotinga nā te hononga tahi o ngā taratī ki te kāhui, Classics Group ( Classic Builders and Classic Life).
Ko te moemoeā i kitea e te kōmiti, ara i a Matt Heke rātou ko Maxine Rennie, ko Manuariki Tini, ko Rawiri Bhana, ko Julia Schuster-Rika me tō rātou tiamana a Bryce Morrison, kāre i tū mai nā ngā aukati kūare hōhā, ka whakatikangia ētehi o ngā raruraru engari anō ētehi i waihongia atu, kua oma kē te hoihō.
Nā runga i ēnei taumahatanga ka mātika mai a Peter Cooney – koia te ringatohu o te kāhui, Classic Group rāua ko Paul Taylor nānā te kamupene a Classic Builders License.
" Kātahi te tangata nei a Peter-he autāia.
The community hub opening ceremony was yesterday morning. Photo / Supplied
Karekau he teka, kōrero tika hoki!" koia ki tā Manuariki kua riro i a ia te tūranga pouwhakawhānaungatanga. He ngākau hūmārie te pūtake e tino piri atu ai a Manuariki ki a ia he rite tahi te wairua o tēnei tangata ki ōna whānaunga kōrero tika, mātira ika nō Motu-pōhue.
"He tangata whatiwhati kō a Paul, ko Corina tōna wahine rangatira tokorua a rāua tamariki, ko Lukas rāua ko Finn. He tangata ngākau pūare, he tino hoa mahi ka oti, he pou ako hūmārie hoki. He tangata ū pono ki tāna e whai nei tērā kia eke ngā hua o tana mahi ki tōna tiketiketanga he pērā hoki tēnei wairua ki tōna aronga ki ngā whare ka whakatūria ai mō ngā whāmere me te hāpori.
Raka te māui, raka te matau e kaupare atu ai te taura whero; nō te kotahi tekau mā rima o Pepuere nō te tau e rua mano kotahi mā iwa ka wātea katoa te pahi nei ki te whuaki whenua.
Mā Classic Life te kāinga e whakahaere mō tētehi wā iti, ā, ka mahi tahi hoki rātou me Ōwhatiura South 5 ki te whakaara ake i ā rātou ake rawa, kia tika tēnei nā wai rā ka tukua te mana whakahaere o ia rā, o ia rā mahi ki ngā taratī.
E toru tekau mā toru o ngā whare whakahirahira e ono tekau mā rima kai te tū, e rua tekau mā waru o ēnei kāīnga hai kāīnga tūturu ki ngā pounoho e toru tekau mā waru. Hai te wā o te kirihimete kua oti e ono anō o ngā kāinga. Hāmama kau ana te wairua o te kāinga – me he tī!
Nā Whaea Maxine te ingoa Lynmore Rise i tapangia ai ki tēnei kaupapa ko te tiriti e tū nei ngā whare ko Hiwinui Close he ingoa nō te whānau Heke tētehi o ngā rangatira nui o te whānau. Ko Hiwinui Heke tēnei rangatira ko ia te tangata Māori rongoā Pākehā tuatahi o Aotearoa katoa i Ngapuna tōna whare rongoā. Kua matemate noa atu inaianei.
Ko te kaupapa tuarua, mā ngā taratī e whakawhanake i tō rātou pōraka whenua matua kai waenganui o Te Ngae me te rori o Vaughan.
He kaupapa e hia kē ngā miriona tāra te wāriu e whakakōtahi ana i ngā wāhanga huhua pēnei i ngā tangata noho kāinga, te taha hoko, te wāhanga arumoni me te ahumahi.
He manaha te ahua o te whare hou nei. Whakaahua / Homaitanga
Ko te pakinga o te kanohi o ngā rangatira inaianei e hoki ana ngā maumaharatanga ki te wā ka whakawhiwhia ngā taratī ki ngā tara e rima anahe ia mārama mō te whakaaetanga kia tītongingia ngā whenua ururua nei e ngā hoiho. Māna hoki te pērā!
- Te Puna Whakatongarewa kua utua e Irirangi Te Motu
Owhatiura South 5 is a small land trust whose guiding trustees have a vision: To create opportunities for their uri. On their own land. Whether it be jobs, apprenticeships or as business owners outright.
They have the land, on the eastern outskirts of Rotorua in one of its most affluent suburbs, but neither the money nor the technical experience at the time to develop it.
It's only a fraction of the many Owhatiura blocks to which Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi held title, but behind the bund on State Highway 30, opposite Motions, a lifestyle village of two bedroom villas for the over-65s is nearing completion.
That's thanks to the partnership forged between Owhatiura South 5 and its partners the Classics Group (Classic Builders and Classic Life).
The OS5 committee — Matt Heke, Maxine Rennie, Manuariki Tini, Rawiri Bhana, Julia Schuster-Rika and Chairman Bryce Morrison — had a vision but ran into a number of planning roadblocks trying to bring it to fruition, some that they solved themselves others where they sort industry expertise.
Enter Peter Cooney — Director of Classic Group and Paul Taylor Classic Builders Local License owner.
"Peter was awesome. No sugar coating, straight to the point," said Manuariki, who is the trust's relationships manager. His down-to-earth attitude appealed to Manuariki who compared him favourably with her no-nonsense fishermen whanau in the Bluff.
"Paul is a hard working business man. Husband to Corina with two sons Lukas and Finn. An open and honest partner to work alongside and learn from. Committed and driven to provide great service and quality homes to families and our community".
The new building looks impressive. Photo / Supplied
Red tape successfully negotiated together; the first sod was turned on February 15, 2019.
Classic Life will manage the village for a set period, while at the same time working with Owhatiura South 5 to build its own capabilities and eventually the trust will take over the day to day operations.
Thirty-three of the planned 65 villas are completed and 28 are home to 38 residents. By Christmas another six should be finished.
The vibe at the villas is buzzy.
Whaea Maxine named the development Lynmore Rise and the street on which the villas stand is Hiwinui Close, named for the patriarch of the Heke whanau, the late Hiwinui Heke who was the first registered Maori pharmacist in Aotearoa and whose pharmacy was at Ngapuna.
Next on the list for the trust is the development of OS5's big block, between Te Ngae Road and Vaughan Road.
That will be a development in the hundreds of millions encompassing a mixture of residential, retail, commercial and light industrial.
This is a long way from the days when the trust got $5 a month for each horse grazing on their blocks.
And yesterday, the blessing by the Rev Tom Poata and the naming of the community centre was the final step in this chapter of the journey by Ngati Whaeakura.
Te Aruhe is the name of the centre. Her name plaque was unveiled by Rukuwai Daniels (nee Heretaunga). Rukuwai also performed a karanga.
Aruhe is the fernroot of the bracken which used to grow proflically on the block of land. A number of Heretaunga women also carry the name including one of Rukuwai's daughters.
Village residents have applied for a liquor licence for their clubhouse which will also have a pool table and bowling mat.Outside is a petanque court.
A kowhai tree is a silent tie to the Te Kowhai family, a major contingent of the hapu.