Rotowhio ceremony marks the end of district health boards and a new direction.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
Haeremai rā he tētēkura
Tūtū te puehu i te ātea nui o Te Waiariki, he ahakoa ko te take kia whakamoea Te Rōpu Hauora o Te Arawa e mea ana te pepehā, ara mai rā he tētēkura.
I te Paraire kua pahemo i pōwhiringia Te Tira Haere a Pūhaorangi me Te Taua Ora o Waiariki, ara ko Te Arawa Iwi Māori Partnership Board ki runga ki te marae ātea o Rotowhio. Ko te poari hauora hou o Te Arawa ēnei pahi tokorua.
Ko Te Tira Haere a Pūhaorangi tētehi o ngā ama o te waka hou, māna te reo o Te Arawa e waha ki Te Taura Ora o Waiariki, ko tā Te Taura Ora o Waiariki mahi, hei kawe i te reo me ngā matapopore o Te Arawa ki Health NZ me te Mana Hauora Māori, māna hoki ngā kaupapa hauora e whakaae, māna hoki e tohutohu me pēwhea hoki te tohatoha atu ki ngā hapū me te iwi.
E ai ki te tiamana tautoko o Te Rōpu Hauora o Te Arawa ki a Jenny Kaka-Scott, ko te pōwhiri i Rotowhio te tukunga o te rākau tawhito mai i Te Rōpu Hauora o Te Arawa ki te waka hourua hou nei.
"Kua oti te mahi ngātahi a Te Rōpu Hauora o Te Arawa me Lakes District Health Board, ko te anga whakamua o ēnei waka e rua ko te paepae kotahi. Ko te painga o tēnei kaupapa ko te oranga tonutanga o te iwi, ka rua, ko te wewete i te taura here ki ngā DHBs me te anga atu ki te mana hou o te huinga tokorua nei kua whakaturia ai e te Karauna.
"Ko tētehi o ngā take nui o tēnei huinga, he tuku kōrero, he tuku māramatanga ki te hāpori, e mea ana hoki, kua whakamoea te kaupapa tawhito, kua mahuta ake he kaupapa hou, ara, ko te Pae Ora ( Healthy Families) Act 2022". Hai tā Jenny.
Kua mātāmua a Te Arawa ki te whakatū i tētehi poari paepae rua, he mea i āta whiria kia whai take ai ngā ahurea katoa. Kotahi tekau mā tahi ngā mema o te IMPB.
Rotowhio ceremony marks the end of district health boards and a new direction.
He kotahi tekau o ēnei tangata, he māngai iwi, whaihoki he kotahi noa, he rangatira mātāwaka. Ko te huinga TTHOP, e rua tekau ngā mema me ngā pou whakarite.
"Kua puta te whakatau a ngā hapū me te iwi, he ahakoa haere ai mātou ki whea, ko te tino kōrero a te iwi kia whai māngai ai rātou ki te ngā take o te hauora, he mana nui tēnei kua tino whāia e te iwi nā runga i ngā māuiui nui pēnei me te māuiui korona, nā tēnei ngārara i tino rukua ai ngā kaupapa hauora, ka nui te pirangi o te iwi, kia whai wāhi ai rātou ki ngā take o te ao hauora mātua ko te whakaaro ake kia tika ai te oranga tonutanga o āna tangata.
"Kua rua tekau o ngā tau Te Rōpu Hauora o Te Arawa e kawe ana i ngā take hauora mā te iwi te take, nō reira tēnei rangi tonu he wā ki te whakanui i āna tangata katoa, ngā mema tawhito, ngā rangatira kua matemate noa atu, ā, moroki noa nei.
"Ka nui tō mātou whakahīhī nā mātou tonu ētehi o ngā pahi itiiiti i manaaki, i atatwhai, ā, i whakapakekengia, titiro ki te rohe nei, mātotoru ana."
— Na Raimona Inia i whakamaoritia tenei purongo
Te Rōpu Hauora o Te Arawa has handed over the baton in what has been described as one of the biggest system transformations in decades.
A pōhiri was held on Friday at Rotowhio Marae at Te Puia for Te Tira Haere a Pūhaorangi and Te Taura Ora o Waiariki: Te Arawa Iwi Māori Partnership Board, who are the two new Te Arawa health boards.
Te Tira Haere a Pūhaorangi is the new hapū and iwi board responsible for bringing the Te Arawa voice and priorities to Te Taura Ora o Waiariki. The latter's role is to then influence Health NZ and the Māori Health Authority, and approve locality plans that will describe how hauora services will be delivered locally.
TRHOTA outgoing co-chair, Jenny Kaka-Scott, says the pōhiri was the local baton change event, which signals the handover from TRHOTA to the two new entities.
"Te Rōpu Hauora o Te Arawa has now ended its iwi partner relationship with Lakes District Health Board, and the two new entities will fulfil a similar role. The change is aligned to our country's health sector reforms, which move away from DHBs to the dual Crown authorities.
"Today's event provided an opportunity to get the message out to the community that the health reforms have kicked in via new legislation, which is the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022," she says.
The pohiri at Rotowhio Pa to mark the major change in our health system.
Te Arawa is the first rohe to have stood-up a two-tiered board, which was the model chosen to allow maximum participation. The IMPB has 11 members, consisting of 10 iwi representatives and one mātāwaka representative, while TTHOP has over 20 members and proxies.
"Throughout our consultation process across Te Arawa, it was clear hapū and iwi wanted to retain a voice at the table around hauora issues. This has been especially important since the appearance of Covid, where hapū and iwi have got a lot more involved. They're wanting to play a greater role in the health and wellbeing outcomes for their people.
"Te Rōpu Hauora o Te Arawa has been around for over 20 years as an iwi relationship partner, and this day was also about acknowledging all of its participants and iwi/hapū contributors.
"We're really pleased to have grown hapū and iwi participation in this space as part of the transition process. It's trebled so that's got to be a good thing," says Jenny.