Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
Tūrou Parea, Tūrou Hawaiiki
Ko tōku waka ko Te Arawa ngahue i te parata eke panuku, eke Tangaroa hui e taiki e.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
Ko tōku waka ko Te Arawa ngahue i te parata eke panuku, eke Tangaroa hui e taiki e.
E ngā kākātarahae, e ngā puna rau o Atuamatua, he poroporoaki tēnei nā mātou ki a kotou katoa.
Ka nui te ihi, ka nui te wehi, ka nui te whakamataku hoki i te hirahiratanga o ngā mahi ko oti nei i a tātou katoa.
Kua tō te rā ki runga ki ngā paihau o Kāhu ki Rotorua, tēnei te reo whakamihi ki ngā tapeha tata o ngā rarangi maunga e karapoti nei i ngā waiariki i ngā waiparu i ngā taumata whenua o te takere waka nui, tū tū pai a ha hā.
Mātua, e titiro whakamuri anō ngā kanohi ki te take i whakamānu ai a Kāhu ki Rotorua, ka tika hoki kia reo rua mai he nūpepa e kawe ai i ngā whakaaro o Ngai Te Arawa me Te Heketanga i a Ranginui. E whakapono ana te whatumanawa o tēnei kāhui kua tutukingia enei hiahia i a mātou.
Tērā ko te kawe atu i ngā kare-ā-roto o te iwi i runga i te whakaaro, mā te ringa kura mā te ringa tea e tutuki ai ngā wawata. Kāore e ārikarika ā mātou kupu whakamiha ki te mana o tō tātou reo, e noho mataamua nei.
Kāua e noho ki te kohamo o te tangata ki tana tero rānei.Engari hoki taku whakamiharo ki te tini o ngai tātou e whakamomori ana ki te oranga tonutanga o te reo kia kāua ia e noho toupiore ana.Tēnā tātou katoa.
E huri anō ngā whakaaro ki te whīkoi-ā-motu i pupū ake i ngā whaitua o Te Ahi a Māui nei i ngā rangi ko huri.
Me te kaha hoki o tātou te Māori kia whakapiritahatahi ai tātou katoa ki te whakatumatuma atu i ō tātou whakaaro āmaimai ki te kawanatanga hou kia noho pono ai ia ki te mana me ngā tikanga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Wheoi anō e te iwi, kia tika kē tāku e kawe ai ehara i te porotēhi.
Ko te pitau noa o te waka whakarei e whakatūpato na i te kawanatanga me ērā atu o te hunga wetiweti e whakatāmi nei i a tātou, e kare mā, e kore ā muri e hokia. He māngai a Kāhu ki Rotorua e whakaputa ai ngā taumata kōrero ā te hāpori i enei tau e rua kua pahemo.
Ka nui te whakahīhī o te whatumanawa i whai wāhi hoki ai mātou ki te tuku i a tātou ake tātai kōrero, haka, waiata me te aha noa atu ki te marea engari mātua ko te whakataruna i ngā whakatutukitanga a Ngai Te Arawa tangata.
Ina rā hoki te marea o ngā kaupapa taiea kua tirohia e tātou, ko te taiao, ko te kapa haka, ko te hītoria, ko te tīata, ko te porohīanga, te reo, te whakapapa otīā ko tātou tonu. Mai i te oneroa o Maketu whiti atu ai ki maunga Tongariro tae rānō ki a ngai Māori e noho mai rā ki tuawhenua.
Kua tutuki te whakaaro me te hiahia nui o tātou whakaaro i ngā rangi ko hori ko tetehi nupepa kia pumau hai taonga mo tātou ko te painga o te nupepa reo rua kia mohio ai ngā tangata kē atu ki a tātou whakaaro, nā reira e whai whakaaro ai mātou ki te pepeha, He aturangi, ka mamao’.
Kāti rā.E ngā mate huhua o ngā rā, o ngā wiki, o ngā marama me ngā tau tawhito moe mai rā kotou, ki a tātou hoki te hunga e whakapakari nei ki te whakakīkī i ngā whāwhārua o ngā whaitua maha, pai a ha hā, pai a ha hā. Kia kaha tātou e hoa mā i enei rangi taumaha e haere ake nei.
It is with pride, nostalgia, and gratitude that we come to the end of an era for Kāhu ki Rotorua.
This bilingual news section of the Rotorua Daily Post was crafted to highlight local iwi issues and showcase our people. We are confident that the co-governance of this project was positive and produced the desired outcomes, including the importance of te reo Māori as a prominent feature, not an afterthought.
This week’s activation hīkoi provided further evidence that Māori unity is stronger today than ever, and we will stand together to ensure successive governments honour and uphold the principles of Te Tiriti. However, let us be clear; it was not a protest.
The hīkoi serves as a gentle reminder that our people will not allow history to be rewritten or decades of whawhai endured by our people to come undone.
Kāhu ki Rotorua has been a conduit for sharing our culture with our community.
Over the past two years, we have delighted in sharing Te Arawa pūrakau and waiata with the masses, while also highlighting the achievements of Māori, particularly our Te Arawa uri.
We have covered kaupapa around environmental issues, kapa haka, history, theatre, sports, our language, whakapapa, and our people.
We not only shared the success of our people living within our rohe, Mai Maketū ki Tongariro, but also those involved in positive kaupapa and succeeding in other rohe and overseas.
As Kāhu ki Rotorua comes to an end, we remind readers of our philosophy shared in our first publication two years ago, ‘He aturangi ka mamao. Do not allow the beauty of the horizon to become distant.’ Simply put, take charge of your life and make the most of every day.
From our team to you, we thank you for joining us on this haerenga, and we appreciate the support and engagement that has made this journey truly special.
Thirty First Nations people from Canada joined the festival in New Plymouth.