Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
E noho ana au i runga o Te Pakira
Ko tēnei Toiere waka nā Rangitihi Pene. Hai tāna he Toiere waka. Kai titiro pōhēhē mai ētehi o tātau me te kī he Pātere kē. Ko te tatangi o tēnei Toiere waka, he rite ki te tatangi o te Pātere. Ko tētehi anō o ngā rerekētanga i titoa tēnei Toiere waka hai kawe i ngā tātai kōrero rangatira o Ngai Tūhourangi. Kai ngā Pātere ko tētehi o āna take he whakautu kōrero tāunuunu, wheoi anō rā.
Nō te tau e rua mano, kotahi ngāhuru i titoa ai tēnei Toiere waka mō Ngai Tūhourangi. He waka kawe i te hunga whakarongo ki ngā wāhi mana nui mai i Te Rotoiti tae ki Te Whakarewarewa. Ki te aha? Ki te whakamihi ngā tini rangatira o aua kāinga nui me ngā tātai kōrero hoki e noho mātauranga nui ai ngā tamariki me ngā mokopuna ki ngā hītoia o te iwi. He ahakoa i titoa mō te kapa haka kua whakaaengia kia noho tēnei taonga hai kura nui hai Toiere waka mo ngā hapū huhua o Tūhourangi.
“Toiere Waka” Nā Rangitihi Pene
E noho ana au I runga o Te Pākira Whakaronga rua aku taringa
Ko te roanga atu o te ingoa o Rangitihi, ko Darrell Guy Rangitihi Pene. I whānau i Taumarunui, ko te ūkaipō o tōna matua wahine. Ko ōna kāwai whakapapa he huhua.
Nō Ngā hapū o Ngai Te Arawa, Ngāti Tuwharetoa,Ngāti Hauaroa, Ngāti Pūkeko me Ngāti Kahungunu. Ko Sue tōna mākau rangatira. Nō Ngāruahinerangi me Ngāti Ruanui ia. He hapū rangatira ēnei nō Taranaki, engari i pakeketia a Sue i Pukekohe.Tokorima ā rāua tamāhine. Kua hīā kē te roa a Rangitihi e tito waiata ana mō Tūhourangi. Atu i āna titonga he rangatira tuhi pukapuka hoki ia. Ko tana pukapuka hou ko te orokohanga mai o te kapa haka o Ngāti Whakaue. Ko tana pukapuka tuatahi he tuhinga nāna mō tōna koroua rangatira a Kepa Ehau.
He kōrero tāpiri nā Rangitihi: ‘E ngā uri o Tūhourangi whakaihi ake rā ngā kanohi ki tua o Te Pakira ki tua rānō o Te Whakarewarewa, kia wareware he iwi noho Tarawera, he iwi noho Parekārangi, he iwi noho ngā awaawa o Waikite me Ngākuru, he iwi noho ki te pūtake o Kākaramea anō hoki. He ihi, he wehi, he ao tūroa e’.
English Translation
Rangitihi Pene (composer) has referred to this item as “Toiere Waka” or canoe chant. It has the same beat as a pātere but differs in context of composition as it is not in response to an insult. Rather a historical journey of the Tūhourangi people.
Rangitihi inside Whare Tupuna, giving kōrero.
Composed for Tūhourangi Ngāti Wahiao performing arts group in 2010.
This Toiere Waka takes the audience on a journey to significant landmarks starting from lake Te Rotoiti to Whakarewarewa acknowledging past events and rangatira of that time. Rangitihi’s intention for this composition was to share local history making it available to future generations. Although the “Toiere Waka” was composed for Tūhourangi senior kapa haka group, the tribe have added it to the repertoire for hapū occasions.
“Toiere Waka” - Nā Rangitihi Pene
Here I sit upon my marae Te Pakira And listen to the splashing of our waterfall bath.
The current of our stream Te Puarenga resounds.
as it pounds its way to the beach at Te Arikiroa
The most ancient of our battlefileds! Tread now the path up to mount Moerangi
Darrell Guy Rangitihi Pene was born in Taumarunui, his mother’s hometown, and has whakapapa to Te Arawa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Hauaroa, Ngāti Pūkeko, and Ngāti Kahungunu.
His wife Sue is of Ngāruahinerangi and Ngāti Ruanui in Taranaki and was raised in Pukekohe. They have five daughters. Rangitihi has composed haka, mōteatea and waiata for Tūhourangi Kapa Haka and written a book about the evolution of kapa haka in Ohinemutu. His other published work is a biography of one of his koroua, Kepa Ehau.
Composers note: “A wider vision for the descendants of Tūhourangi to understand is to never be confined to Te Pakira or the village of Te Whakarewarewa only.”