Prior to British settlement, rangatiratanga was all-encompassing. Rangatira were responsible for the health and wellbeing of their hapu, and had abundant resources to provide this. The loss of wealth has destroyed the ability of the hapu, or more commonly today the iwi, to provide for the health and wellbeing of its members. Large populations and small asset bases mean that iwi have to be more creative, and more selective in how they assist.
Rangatiratanga is a practice. It is about Maori living according to our tikanga, and about striving wherever possible to ensure that the homes, land, and resources guaranteed to us under Te Tiriti o Waitangi are protected for the use and enjoyment of future generations.
My main focus is on assisting iwi and Maori-owned land trusts to grow their economic wealth to continue to pursue rangatiratanga through development. Progress, while slow, has occurred over the past 20 years and the Maori economy continues to grow.
Iwi, driven by historical settlement packages, are delivering returns to their members through the provision of grants to marae, hapu, and for educational purposes. The larger Maori land trusts are also becoming more innovative in their business development and the successful Miraka milk processing venture is a sign of things to come.
This increase in economic wealth provides Maori communities with opportunities that were previously unavailable. With increased economic wealth comes the opportunity to develop the skills and wealth of Maori, to improve the health and wellbeing of Maori, and the ability to revitalise traditional cultural and customary practices. Economic wealth provides Maori communities with the opportunity to develop their community in accordance with their own vision, not a vision of Maori communities imposed by the Government.
Our aspirations are no different to anyone else's. We want good schools, good homes, good health and good jobs. We do not seek special rights to the detriment of Pakeha New Zealand. We ask for the recognition of the rights that were guaranteed to us under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Rights such as the right to have a say in how our communities are governed and how the resources and sites sacred to us are managed.
The recognition of these rights through, for example, the Maori electorates, Maori wards on local government bodies and co-government arrangements established to manage a growing number of national parks and waterways, is precisely what Te Tiriti o Waitangi envisioned - a true partnership between Maori and Pakeha.
Joshua Hitchcock is a business consultant and Maori issues commentator. He blogs at