The fiasco of Shane Taurima using state television's Maori and Pacific unit for Labour Party fundraising will hasten calls for Maori TV to take over the unit.
Taurima - a former interviewer on Q&A - stood down from his role as general manager of the unit during the candidacy for the Labour nomination for the Ikaroa Rawhiti by-election.
TVNZ's re-appointment of the political wannabe is another example of loose oversight at TVNZ - the same sort of management style led to last year's debacle at SevenSharp.
In my opinion the Labour meeting revelations - aired on 3News - has damaged TVNZ's integrity at the start of an election year,
The debacle should lead to a revival of calls for Maori TV to take over funding and operation of the Maori and Pacific unit and with an agreement to feed some content back to TVNZ.