At-home HPV self-test kits which help screen for cervical cancer are a “game changer” for whānau Māori, an Auckland kaupapa Māori health and social support provider says.
West Auckland’s E Tipu E Rea Whānau Services says the accessibility and ease of use of the free kits, which began being rolled out nationwide on Tuesday, will make a significant difference for the whānau they work with.
“One of the barriers that our whānau have faced within the healthcare system is feeling safe enough to undergo a cervical smear,” E Tipu Rea CEO Zoe Hawke said.
“When whānau have complex histories and needs, more often than not we have seen people who have never had a smear or who have had one and never gone back because of the underlying complexities they face.
“These kits will make a big difference in their ability to choose to take part in a testing regime that feels safe and give them peace of mind for their future and that of their whānau.