Ngāti Korokī, the last hapū to be heard by the Waitangi Tribunal, says the three Ngāti Raukawa hapū around Ōtaki township are among the most landless in the Manawatū to Porirua district.
The week 16 hearings at Raukawa Marae, Ōtaki will run from June 4-7. It includes claims affecting all five Ōtaki hapū such as on rights relating to the Ōtaki River, a claim on the Crown’s Marine Parade beachfront land, papakāinga housing and the management of multiple ownership of Māori land.
Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga (covering Manawatū, Horowhenua and Kāpiti regions) is the last iwi in Aotearoa to have a district hearing on historical claims. This process has taken four years, but the original Wai 113 claim was lodged 35 years ago.
Gabrielle Rikihana, 97, a claimant for Ngāti Korokī, says the hapū of Ōtaki have suffered exceptional land loss, especially the three central hapū: Ngāti Pare, Ngāti Maiotaki and Ngāti Korokī.