A Māori wāhine who took the editor of a local newsletter to the Human Rights Review Tribunal has settled her racial harassment case by mediation.
Annette Nepe and former Woodville Wire editor Jane Hill were at loggerheads over an email exchange in October 2021. Nepe sent an article to the Woodville Wire about her petition urging InterCity to reinstate its Woodville bus stop.
She asked that her article’s opening salutation — “Kia ora nau mai, ngā mihi nui koutou katoa” — remain in any edited version of her article to reflect her culture. Nepe clarified that “Nau mai koutou katoa ngā mihi nui” means “Welcome everyone, big friendly greeting to all”.
But Hill refused and replied by email: “Firstly, it would have been respectful to ASK to put this into the Woodville Wire, instead of demanding it be put in.
“Secondly, this is not a Māori newsletter; it is a community newsletter and everyone in this community speaks English. I, as well as many New Zealanders am not in favour of giving one cultural group special privilege regarding their language simply because they (falsely) claim first nation status.