The Government will bolster Pharmac's budget by an extra $160 million to ensure NZ has access to more medicines and vaccines.
We asked our local politicians what they hope to see in the Budget.
Tamati Coffey. Photo / File
Tāmati Coffey Waiariki MP, Labour
With Budget 2020, we've got to take this shot to rebuild our whānau and our environment from the impact of the pandemic, while also addressing what wasn't working pre-Covid-19.
Issues like our tamariki growing up without the basics, getting our families into well-paying jobs, and turning more houses than ever into homes - issues where Māori have been over-represented at the sharp end for far too long.
Together, we need to be brave, create change and rebuild our country, so it is better not just for us, but for our mokopuna.
Todd McClay. Photo / File
Todd McClay Rotorua MP, National
The Budget needs to relentlessly focus on saving jobs and then creating jobs in Rotorua. The Covid-19 lockdown is a huge hit to the local economy with tens of businesses and hundreds of jobs lost each day.
Direct financial assistance for small businesses forced to close for seven weeks and an extension of the wage subsidy for those that need it will keep people in work.
A huge, and I mean huge, cash envelope for tourism is needed before thousands more local people are out of work.
Fletcher Tabuteau. Photo / File
Fletcher Tabuteau New Zealand First deputy leader
The Budget will be a significant opportunity for smart and targeted interventions that ensure New Zealand businesses can move forward as rapidly as possible while at the same time ensure New Zealanders have money in their pockets to look after themselves, and in doing so, generate more business and more jobs.
This is a time to focus on New Zealand innovation, to add value in New Zealand, and to employ more New Zealanders.
We have an opportunity to sell ourselves to a world in turmoil, as not only a clean, green nation, but a smart and responsive one.