Muaūpoko’s annual Waitangi Day celebrations attracted hundreds of people looking to enjoy each other’s company, listen to great music and learn about volunteer fire services, services for older people, courses for young ones and discuss health service options. Also available were massages, face-painting, bouncy castles, a soccer pitch, a safe place for the older folk to sit, chat and be out of the sun for a while, and much more.
While Levin Old Boys battled Kāpiti Old Boys at the cricket pitch down the road, with a fair number of spectators egging the local team on, many locals mingled to enjoy the food, drinks and music on offer this year. MTA staff and members of Muaūpoko lend a hand anywhere help was needed. One minute you found them at the sausage sizzle - the next, pouring coffee in the kaumātua tent, selling T-shirts at another, announcing the next act to go on stage or assembling a hāngī pack at the other end of the park.
Here are some impressions of the day.