The new platform has been installed at Levin's railway station. John Murphy wants to know what more you want regarding public transport services.
The new platform has been installed at Levin's railway station. John Murphy wants to know what more you want regarding public transport services.
A recent Save Our Trains meeting in Levin has inspired local man John Murphy to start a Facebook group to discuss what rail travel could look like in the future.
“It is about what people want from public transport, especially rail. Do we need more stations in Horowhenua, do we need to move the Levin station, what about weekend services to Wellington?” he said.
“The recent meeting made clear that someone needed to start a local discussion group and this is what I can do.”
As he is unable to drive due to health reasons, he relies on buses and trains to get around, so he is very familiar with the issues involved.
“I want to do more than talk. If people do not use the existing services, little is going to happen.”
He said the strong uptake of the pensioner bus service to Waikanae to catch the train there to Wellington shows the need for more services.
“It has been a big job to try and save the Capital Connection. I know this is all taking time, but I am very frustrated with the slow progress. It is so hard to get anywhere. Foxton Beach and Shannon do not have a taxi service, so if you get stuck at the hospital, how do you get home?”
John Murphy was inspired by a meeting to start a local discussion group on public transport, especially trains.
“I’d love to see a few daytime services of the Capital Connection and a few on the weekend. Currently you need to hang around Wellington for 12 hours before you can get a ride home and 7.45am as a departure time is rather early for many people.”
He said he had travelled on the Capital Connection for years, but the station is not easy to access.
“We need alternative options. When you get to Levin on the train, it is a long walk to get to the bus station. There is very limited car parking at the train station too, so that is an issue.”
He is chuffed his page attracted close to 50 people within 10 days, including some elected members.
“Come and share how you feel about public transport in Levin and tell us what you would like to see.”
Early on he ran a poll asking whether people would use a daytime Capital Connection. “Of the 15 people who participated 14 said yes, definitely.”
He has identified other issues, too: “How do we connect smaller communities, such as Foxton Beach to the network? There are a lot of people who cannot drive a car for some reason and they need viable transport to go shopping, for example.”
Murphy said he is hoping to create a powerful community voice in regards to the council and the Government on this issue through his page. To be part of the initiative you must belong to Facebook and sign up for the group, which is private: