On July 1, Age Concern NZ had a re-brand launch - changing what they do and how they look – to better reflect the elder population across Aotearoa.
To celebrate, Age Concern Horowhenua (ACH) is hosting an Open Day on Monday August 1, from 10am to 2pm, at their office in Durham Street, Levin.
Age Concern has been a presence in Horowhenua for about 20 years, following a realisation during the early 2000s that the growing number of elderly people in the district needed more specific, locally-based social and welfare advocacy.
Beginning as an Elder Abuse and Welfare co-ordination society in 2001, it soon became obvious that affiliation with Age Concern NZ was the best option for the society, and the first ACH office opened in the Muaūpoko Tribal Authority building in Levin.
Later, under the chairmanship of the late Graham Smellie, ACH moved to rooms at the Tararua Medical Centre. Then, in late 2020, ACH was moved to its current location, to be more central and accessible to those who use their services.