Levin plumber Liam Dewar is in the running for a NZ title.
Levin plumber Liam Dewar is in the running for a NZ title.
A Levin plumber is in the running for a New Zealand title.
Liam Dewar, 25, is up against nine other plumbers from around the country heading to Hamilton next week to contest Plumbing World Young Plumber of the Year 2023 final.
There were 343 plumbers entered when competition began. Dewar won his qualifying round, one of 45 preliminary events that kicked off in Invercargill in June.
The winners then moved onto regional events beginning with the southern regional final in Wanaka on September 19, before concluding with the northern regional final on Auckland’s North Shore on October 12.
He was on the tools early again working on a hot water cylinder in town and said he was looking forward to the competition.
Levin plumber Liam Dewar is in the running for a NZ title.
Dewar had been plumbing for eight years now - his first job on leaving school - and was currently employed by Quantum Waste Water Systems Limited in Levin.
The competition first started in 2014, focused on upskilling, engaging and supporting the next generation of plumbers, gas fitters and drainlayers. The competition has come a long way, originally starting off as a social club for tradies.
The prize pool is not to be sneezed at - worth more than $80,000 - including a trip for two to Port Douglas, Prezzy Cards, subscriptions to NZ Plumbers magazine and top of the line tools.
Winners also receive a medal, certificate and NZPM RPS shares.
Dewar better hope his boss doesn’t play golf. The overall winner’s employer will also receive a prize of Cobra golf clubs and other prizes to the value of over $4500, recognising the important role they have played in helping shape their employee’s career to date.
The plumbers, who are all aged less than 31, are thrown a range of theoretical and practical skill tests designed to test their trade expertise.
The other plumbers joining Dewar in the national final on November 15:
- Blake Patrick, Limitless Plumbing and Gas Limited, Northern
- Liam Fox, Plumbing St Lukes Limited, Auckland Metro
- Cody Hall, C F Reese Limited, Waikato / King Country
- Haven Bellamy, Haven Plumbing Limited, Bay of Plenty / Central Plateau