A large crowd that attended Foxton Rebus Club's side-splitting mid-winter production No Room at the Inn had sore ribs from laughing this week.
The hilarious play was written by club member Dereley Barry several years ago for young children, but made several adaptations this time round to suit an adult audience.
Barry directed and narrated the play, prompting where needed, although admitted it was easier to direct five-year-olds than this group of 60, 70 and 80-plus year olds.
There were 14 members who made up the cast, which including a dancing angel (Leonie Haines) with the shining star in the east, and a very grumpy and jaded innkeeper and his wife, who continually had to keep him in line.
A jaded Joseph and an even more jaded and very pregnant Mary had to tow not only all of their possessions, but Joseph's tools as well, for 40 days and nights.