Lois Monaghan-Shannon from Foxton Beach scored a major trophy this year with her entry into the Royal AP&I Show’s home industries section. She became their Supreme Champion with her quilt, which features a tree and birds.
“I have entered before because I love sewing, and I actually have a home industries trophy here that has my name on it a few times. I often enter into the sewing section, but haven’t done so for a few years.. I took up quilting 20 years ago and belong to the Foxy Quilters.

“We have meetings at the boat club every week, and that helps me get on with jobs. It really stimulates, being part of a group. We help each other all the time.”
Additionally, she goes to a retreat at Forest Lakes every year, which she also finds a stimulating experience. “I have been sewing ever since I was told how to do it as an 8-year-old.”