Levin Folk Music Club members and friends will present an extended blackboard, with two or three songs each, on Friday, December 14 from 7.30pm for their Christmas concert.
The concert is at the Scottish Hall, Bartholomew Rd, Levin and entry is $5. Please bring a plate for the festive supper and money for raffles.
The Club has invited all musicians and singers to join in with the last concert of the year and entertain the supportive regular audience. Over the holidays, the Club will take a break until February 8, when the special guest is the Frank Burkitt Band. Club night also takes a break but plan for a relaxed singaround and jam on January 25 at the Scottish Hall.
This past year has been exciting, with the emergence of popular band Rainy Jack comprised of regular club members, an increase in ukulele group performances, members playing at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō and in the community, inspiring choir leader Jude Woodgyer introducing Acapella Jude singing workshops, and acoustic house concerts hosted by D.A.L.E.
Come along to these concerts or visit the website www.levin-folk-music-club.org.nz take these opportunities and not miss upcoming concerts. Join Levin Folk Music on Facebook and there is free subscription to the LFMC monthly email newsletter. Membership is $25 per year, dropping to half price from February to June 30.