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All wards must be treated the same, say mayors
Local councils are 'the best placed' to decide on their representation.

Motivational speaker Lisa: Passionate about people
O’Neill, who enjoys life in a small town, has published her seventh book.

Horowhenua: Fees going up, services being dumped to keep rates low
Targeted rates used more to fund specific things like community board.

Horowhenua benefits from people moving here who commute to Wellington
Shamubeel Eaqub says Horowhenua needs to be ready for whatever the expressway brings.

Lifting the lid on those ‘leak detectors’
High usage means you have a leak: do not delay fix it, proof it to avoid a hefty bill.

Fierce opposition cans plan to chop notable trees in Levin
Council saves considerably by listening to growing opposition.

Funding for new roading restricted, ministers pass buck to NZTA, Ō2NL still on list
The minister cites years of budget blowouts and cancellations for the change.

Critical part of Horizons flood management to be upgraded
The mechanical, structural, and electrical upgrades will cost almost $36m.

Horizons or Wellington: Horowhenua is exploring both for three waters deal
'We want the best option for our ratepayers.'

Water services return to Horowhenua council
The contract for this work expires at the end of the year and the change will save money

Changes to freshwater policy will allow more work on Horizons One Plan to be done
Delay gives more time to do a better job, including collecting more data from water users.

Horowhenua’s elected members active in community
Representation to community organisations also rates highly for elected members.

Foxton War Memorial Hall Society sees transfer as best option to save the treasured building
Society is determined to save the war memorial hall for community use against all odds.

Better planning of infrastructure is needed
Chris Bishop is working on a decades-long infrastructure plan.

Long-term parking incurs hefty fines at Levin Pak'nSave
Elderly shoppers for whom the daily shop is also a social outing feel they're chased away.

Model ship lands in Foxton in time for Big Dutch Day Out
De Heemskerck was the first European ship to sail south of Australia and visit NZ.

Application are open for Kāpiti and Horowhenua businesses
Chris Barber from the Bond Store shared his innovative story.

Stage one of the town centre rejuvenation has begun
The council wants to retain the skatepark somewhere in the town centre.

Oh, those cones, not to mention people doing nothing... just standing around
Electrical workers, road workers, would appreciate patience and respect rather than abuse.

Red Poll cattle: A resilient breed, farmers say
Delegation in New Zealand to talk about their favourite stock.

Foxton courthouse restoration bid makes headway
The next steps will be announced, and the society needs more members too.

No referendum can overturn a council decision, says Horowhenua's deputy mayor
Welington is stepping way beyond its mandate with binding referendum threat.

'Just dumb’: Society puzzled as to who else is in the running to acquire Foxton War Memorial Hall
Society proposes a fourth option to the council: sell to us.

Foxton bowling club opens new facilities
Everyone remembers where they were when the news came.

More consultation on fate of Foxton's War Memorial Hall
Horowhenua District Council is once again consulting on the sale of this hall.

Entries open for 2024 Electra Business and Innovation Awards
Help benchmark your business against others.

Burglars now all set for more mischief thanks to tool-haul
They broke in to grab tools and used those to stage a second raid at Zero Waste Ōtaki.

Discussion groups started on future of rail in Horowhenua
Come and talk about what you want from local public transport.

Samoan comic book artists shares to encourage young talent
Grow up weird and yet be a success doing what you love.

New Raukawa GM focuses on improved sense of kotahitanga among all hapū/iwi
Tiwana Tibble takes inspiration from many local leaders that have shaped his thinking.

Levin Hustle signs off school programme with tournament
American college baseball player Scott Laur instrumental in programme.

Horowhenua slashes budget to keep rates rise to 17.4 per cent
Three waters, insurance, depreciation and insurance account for 14 per cent of increase.

Manawatū Estuary Trust members gather for some birdwatching
Viewing and photographic opportunities present themselves well.

Kāpiti chef turned setbacks into business success through hard work
Without hard work and determination Fiona Greig wouldn't be where she is today.

District plan change allows for greater density of development
Tthe Plan Change 4 will be operative on March 26.

World Day of Prayer to focus on Palestine
The theme this year is “I Beg You ... Bear With One Another in Love”.

Levin War Memorial Hall's future at stake in town centre revamp
Revitalisation of the War Memorial Hall site is part of ambitious transformation plan.

Helen Mackay says Levin set her up for life
“I had great, inspiring, teachers at who instilled confidence and self-belief."

Tim Costley: A week to celebrate our community
Local MP has pop-up clinic around the region.

Original and signed agreement could clarify right to sell or not
Original deed of land transfer for Foxton War memorial Hall is still missing.

Vintage machinery enthusiasts take on the seemingly impossible at Horowhenua’s Harvest Weekend
Discarded, old machines are lovingly turned into pristine tools.

Muaūpoko puts on great Waitangi Day celebration in Levin
Great weather and plenty of visitors for Waitangi Day celebrations at Donnelly Park.

Horowhenua’s Waste Minimisation plan under review
Food and garden waste must be diverted from the landfill from 2030.

Vintage tractors, steam engines, hotrods and more at vintage machinery weekend
The last Harvest Weekend was held four years ago.

Horowhenua's Royal AP&I Show brings special honour to Foxton quilter
Lois Monaghan-Shannon has been making quilts for decades.

Levin's AP&I Show: definitely worth a look this weekend
Friday is a busy day as all participants get ready for the first ever Royal AP&I Show.

Longer hours and year-round access for new pools
Foxton pools will offer spa pool and swim school.

Shop owner expects good business in Shannon
'Local businesses have already noticed an increase in traffic.'

Levin Bridge Club: Bridge is good for your health
You do not need to know how: the Levin bridge Club gives lessons.

Got a brain injury ... want to talk?
Brain injuries are life changing and can even lead to personality changes, says Dewi Bone.

Home Industries a longtime staple of Horowhenua’s AP&I Show
Involvement with the show is a family tradition going across generations.

Fire lighting restricted as dry conditions and heat raise risk
Fenz has put coastal areas on notice because of high wind, dry conditions and lack of rain

Big appetite for Horowhenua's Royal AP&I Show
In the sheep section alone an extra 100 competitors are expected to show.

Former rest home to make way for four-bedroom apartments
All the asbestos had been stripped out of the building before the big fire in November.

Refugees experience freedom thanks to donated bicycles
At least 70 bikes have been donated for use by refugees recently settled in Levin.

Rūnanga delighted with win on nitrate in Horowhenua waterways
Appeal Court decision can be a catalyst for new collaboration, says Te Rūnanga o Raukawa.

Horowhenua District Council to seek legal advice on new material received
FWMH Society presents material they believe will stop the sale.

Horowhenua Festival of Lights has old hands and newcomers among its cheery winners
The annual competition of lighting up the district is growing each year.

Court of Appeal rules in favour of Muaūpoko over freshwater rules
'As owners we have always fought hard to protect the mauri and life force of our taonga.'

Health shuttle has been running for 30 years
The health shuttle is an essential service run by the Foxton beach Community Centre.

Don't underestimate the power of one, says new MP
'The ones matter; they add up, they multiply, they have this rippling effect.'

Horowhenua Festival of Lights: Stunning display to warm your hearts
Businesses and homeowner have done their best to bring some join to Horowhenua.

Santa now has his own spot at Levin Avenue of Trees
15th edition of the Harvey Bowler Avenue of Trees has attracted many first-time entries.

Social worker urges parents under stress not to forget to look after themselves during holidays
Half an hour after the kids have gone to bed: go outside, enjoy the fresh air.

Te Whare Waitā: stunning new home for Waitarere surf club
"We can serve our community so much better with these new facilities."

Lack of plan greatest obstacle locals say
Without a detailed plan all that has been achieved in Foxton will come to nothing.

Kieran Noema-Barnett looks to repeat his cricketing success - as coach
He takes on the head coach role of the CD age-group side where his career began.

Roadworks ramp up in Manawatū-Whanganui as summer nears
Road works on state highways may cause delays this summer.

Royal status for Horowhenua AP&I Show
The Horowhenua AP&I Show has impressed the Royal Agricultural Society.

Levin cycling track hosts racing carnival
Plenty of spot prizes to be won for riders.

Maiden voyage of Warren Vaughan's latest boat a success
All the Vaughan grandkids had the chance to show off their skills in granddad's boats.

Great cooperation between council and society on restoration plans
Cooperation has moved things along swiftly.

Public pathway a possibility near Lake Horowhenua
Former farm cattle race deemed perfect for multiple forms of public access.

Foxton War Memorial Hall sell-off: emotions still run high for some.
Council accused of disrespecting the dead, especially those who gave their lives in war.

Special guests to add shine to brass band concert
Musical director David Maas to join Levin and Districts Brass for performance.

Passion for community and farming rewarded
Charlie and Chrissy Pedersen have made their mark on Foxton and beyond.