Despite the host of human tragedies that confront us daily, there is something especially sad about news of Takahe being shot on Motutapu Island.
With only about 300 members of this species left on our land, we cannot afford to lose any of these flightless birds. That four were shot on an island regenerated and repopulated with birds largely by volunteer labour adds to the sadness.
If find myself asking why people who identify as hunters of deer were recruited to cull pukeko which often occupy the same habitat as Takahe, a precious avian taonga?
Perhaps this unusual move relates to the deep budget cuts sustained by the Department of Conservation (DoC)? Developing partnerships with community groups is great, but inviting deerstalkers to take aim near endangered birds is surely a desperate measure?
A deeper question is how could anyone mistake not one but four Takahe for Pukeko? If the answer is not carelessness, then it must be an ignorance that groups like the Motutapu Restoration Trust have been seeking to repair.