The Waste Management Institute of New Zealand (WasteMINZ) is offering a $25,000 prize for the best social media post promoting cleaner recycling as part of its Rinse, Recycle, Repeat competition.
The competition aims to encourage people to get into the habit of rinsing their tins, jars, and bottles before they go into the recycling bin and asks entrants to upload a video or content showing how they rinse their recycling the right way and post to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or TikTok, and tag @RinseRecycleRepeatNZ.
Hamilton Mayor Paula Southgate is fully behind the message of the competition and says: "We love our environment, and we are all committed to protecting it for future generations."

Every year New Zealanders create 17.49 million tonnes of waste and an estimated 25 per cent of recyclable items end up being sent to landfills because they are contaminated or not clean enough for the recycling process.