Napier Port chief executive Garth Cowie has been appointed as independent chair to lead the Hastings District Council's water services change programme. Photo/ file.
Napier Port chief executive Garth Cowie has been appointed as independent chair to lead the Hastings District Council's water services change programme. Photo/ file.
Napier Port chief executive Garth Cowie welcomed the opportunity to be involved in the Hastings District Council's change programme for water services operations yesterday.
Mr Cowie was appointed as external chairman to lead the change programme, introduced following an independent review after the campylobacter outbreak last year that left more than 5000 Havelock North residents sick when the town's water supply was contaminated.
The review recommended the appointment of an external chair to ensure rigorous monitoring and reporting.
Mr Cowie said safe drinking water was fundamental to the community and people's health.
"I'm pleased to be able to help the council develop its water services activity so it is 'fit for purpose' in the new operating environment that is emerging post the contamination event."
The change programme within council is part of its commitment to ensure safe drinking water to Hastings residents and was recommended to Mr McLeod after the independent review.
The review commissioned by Mr McLeod addressed the shortcomings identified through the inquiry and the change programme was to ensure council had in place the capability, capacity, systems and people to make sure the incident did not happen again.
It would also restore trust and confidence in the community that the water they were drinking was safe.
Mr McLeod said the Hastings District Council was fully committed to making the changes identified through this review to ensure safe drinking water and was confident Mr Cowie as chair would ensure the change programme delivered the changes needed.
"He has led Napier Port through a period of significant success and has developed strong capability and culture throughout the organisation. He is also a Havelock North resident with a strong interest in making sure the organisational foundations are in place for safe drinking water.
"We are extremely pleased that Mr Cowie is willing and able to take on this role."
Last month Mr McLeod said an external 12-month review of the change programme would be undertaken and reported back to the council.