A 10-year-old Aucklander has been named Young Conservationist of the Year by Auckland Zoo for her campaign against the use of palm oil.
Isabella Wilson was inspired to crusade against the use of palm oil after attending the zoo's orang-utan encounter early this year.
She said the oil, used in everyday products, was grown in tropical climates, including Indonesia - where rainforests were being cleared at a rapid rate to produce it, depriving the now critically endangered orang-utan of its natural habitat.
"The orang-utans aren't doing anything to us, but we are killing them. They are amazing animals, they are the closest mammals to humans," Isabella said.
She has challenged local retailers and restaurants, given a talk to her school and rid her family's and neighbour's pantries of palm oil.
Native frog expert Phil Bishop was named the inaugural Auckland Zoo Conservationist of the Year.
The Otago University frog-research leader has been given $1000 towards a frog-conservation project.
Dr Bishop, who has been passionate about frogs and toads since he was 4, said he was "truly honoured" to receive the award during the global Year of the Frog.
"We have the most significant frogs in the world, and several species are in danger of becoming extinct in our lifetime.
"It's morally irresponsible for us to sit back and document their declines without working to prevent their extinction."
Auckland Zoo conservation officer Peter Fraser said the winners were shining examples of how people with passion could make a difference.