What are you doing personally to make a difference?
I am a commercial property developer and make a feature of extensive plantings around my projects. As an example, the cost of plantings around Baypark Speedway was $180,000.
What more could you do?
I could make sure that all my staff are aware of run-off issues on my construction sites. My foreman is well versed in this but we could ensure all other staff have the same level of understanding.
What is your biggest environmental sin?
I wish I had been more environmentally aware at a younger age and been more land-use-friendly from an environmental perspective.
Global warming - true or false?
I think the Kyoto Protocol is over the top. I believe that there are problems to be addressed, such as the use of coal-fired power stations, but on the whole I think there has been a total over-reaction around the world. I believe that rather than pay other countries' carbon credits, New Zealand should spend money to improve greenhouse emissions by say, subsidising tree plantings.