ZM host Bree Tomasel has been giving love advice to The Bachelorette NZ Lexie Brown.
ZM host Bree Tomasel has been giving love advice to The Bachelorette NZ Lexie Brown.
ZM Drive host Bree Tomasel pops up on screens tomorrow night to help The Bachelorette, Lexie Brown, hosting a DIY challenge to sort out the men from the boys.
After her lockdown show, You Got This!, last year Tomasel thinks she picked up the right vibe for Brown with three of the lads while they competed at Te Hihi Estate.
"I put the lads to the test to see if they'd be good seamen, by constructing boats and seeing if they'd be able to float. Although they've got questionable DIY skills, I definitely think there's some keepers in the mix there for Lexie!" says Tomasel.
The radio star's top picks are chef Paul Patterson, who gave Brown a key to his Paris apartment; intrepid travel blogger Hamish Boyt; and rowdy roofer Matt Bidwell.
"I mean, who could say no to Paul and his luscious locks? Plus he's a chef – so double tick there – brekkie in bed from Paul every morning would be a dream,"
Tomasel respects Boyt because his dedication to the challenge almost split his pants while trying to win, plus she admires his Instagram picture-taking skills.
After eliminating four guys in one night, Brown was grateful to Tomasel for taking the heat off her.
"It was cool to have Bree around, she took the lead on hassling the boys during the challenge so I had a rare chance to sit back and watch the shenanigans a little more," says Brown.
It seems the pair are in sync as to who may be the frontrunner.
"I've definitely got Matt as a front runner – he did get the 'first impression' rose on night one!"
Love hopeful Matt Bidwell made quite a first impression.
The pace is set to pick up on the series, with it now screening Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, with it due to wind up and flow into TVNZ 2's new series of The Bachelor as early as next month.
Will there be intruders, as there was last year? One of this week's jilted bachelors Bradden Hurn may have given it away on social media this week. Hurn, known for his secret handshake Bachelorette greeting, asked his followers whether they thought someone was going back in the house.
Speculation is rife among fans of the Bacheverse, that a second brunette bachelorette is coming on the show. Last month, Brown told us there wouldn't be, however, the buzz about a buddy for Brown hasn't died, especially after the Bachelorette was super close with another attractive brunette at the launch party at Pilkington's last week.
The show itself, through its mischievous narrator Jodie Rimmer, has teased viewers that there is a brunette female crew member always around the set. We can confirm she is not a Bachelorette but a mole, who is bound to trap a few of the boastful bachelors.
Later this week, the team is off to Queenstown for their change of location, hoping for some action and for things to heat up in the romance department.
In the not too distant future, we hear Tomasel will be off to film Celebrity Treasure Island with her co-host Matt Chisholm at a remote New Zealand location.