Khloe Kardashian may have facetuned her Russian Blue cat, Grey Kitty, and people have thoughts about it. Photo / Hulu
Khloe Kardashian may have facetuned her Russian Blue cat, Grey Kitty, and people have thoughts about it. Photo / Hulu
Every week it becomes a little easier to be a hater, I swear to God - at least when it comes to influencers and reality stars and their never-ending quest to becoming the most outrageous human any of us has ever heard of.
Did she really facetune her cat? I don’t know, guys. If she did, though, that would be really low on the list of baffling things the Kardashians have done and I feel like approximately zero per cent of us would be surprised if it turned out to be true.
Khloe Kardashian shared this photo of her Russian Blue cat, Grey Kitty, to her Instagram story and was barraged for seemingly Photoshopping the cat's features. Photo / Instagram
Many people on the internet spent a considerable amount of time investigating what is actually going on with that photo of the Russian Blue cat named Grey Kitty.
Followers of Khloe Kardashian pointed to the cat’s facial features in the image as evidence of the supposed editing, noting that Grey Kitty’s green eyes were unnaturally bright and the cat’s mouth was shaped upwards, making it look like Grey Kitty was straight up smiling at the camera (and wouldn’t you, if you were a billionaire’s cat?)
“These damn beauty standards are getting out of hand,” one person joked on Reddit, where the post was widely discussed.
Internet users also pointed out that the cat’s whiskers appear to have been “blurred” and that, while Russian Blues are naturally beautiful cats, Grey Kitty’s features in that particular photo do not match the cat’s features in other pictures previously shared by the star.
“This is an actual illness at this point her sense of reality is facetuned,” one person said on Reddit, in a comment that, if we had the space and willingness to delve deeper into right here (which, to be clear, we don’t) does raise a lot of important questions about what filters, facetuning and social media in general are doing to people’s perception of reality.
Was Grey Kitty facetuned on purpose to look more aesthetic? Did Khloe simply forget to turn off her usual filters? Is Grey Kitty not facetuned at all and simply a dazzling cartoon-type stunner of a feline? So many questions, none of them things we want to be thinking about, and yet here we are. Whatever happened, it wasn’t Khloe Kardashian’s first Photoshopping controversy and it is not likely to be the last. In fact, the whole family frequently get into hot water for being a bit dodgy with what they share online - remember the time Kim Kardashian Photoshopped her young niece Stormi with her niece True because True’s outfit matched the aesthetic of her Instagram profile? Yeah, that’s a thing they thought was totally cool to do. Influencers and reality TV stars like Khloe Kardashian love to play fast and loose with reality on social media, so when they admit to Photoshopping their children, why are we surprised that pets are fair game too?
We do have to wonder where this is all going though. Are we going to start talking about pets getting their summer bodies ready? Coloured contact lenses for cats? A cat’s 27-step skincare routine? Weight-loss shakes for pets? Because, if that’s where this is all headed, my 34kg labrador would like to have a few words, and if he could talk, the words would be “screw your unattainable beauty standards” (and probably “can I have a snack?”).
Reality or not (what is even reality when it comes to reality TV stars?), “Kardashian facetunes cat” is hardly a surprising headline for anyone who’s ever heard of the Kardashians. If it really did happen, it’s pretty on-brand for the A-list family.
Call me when a Kardashian sister posts a photo that hasn’t been edited to the nines - now that would be a shock.