Uwe Grodd has conducted Auckland Choral's annual Messiah since 2008 and his enthusiastic welcoming from the podium is as much part of the occasion as the music itself.
For this man, Handel's oratorio is a living, malleable organism. Tonight, he alerts us to a few "nips and tucks" in the score, as well as a bonus alternative aria.
Grodd is an enthused and simpatico guide as his choristers undertake their familiar journey. Their resounding "Wonderful counsellor" in Unto us a son is born, is a shout of joy, as much for the music making as the subject.
There is finesse in the playing of Pipers Sinfonia led by Miranda Hutton. Philip Smith bolsters Handelian pomp and splendour from the town hall organ, but when smaller forces come through, one takes much pleasure from James Bush's engaging cello, and the crisp keyboard contributions of Peter Watts and John Wells.