A television ad for Amazon audio books app, Audible, featuring Clarke Gayford and a stunt baby, has been banned in Australia following complaints from viewers.
Gayford appears in a scene folding washing with the baby attached to his front in a carrier. As he turns to the camera and says, "I may just be an average bloke, but Audible really takes the hassle out of housework", popular Australian comedian Celeste Barber appears on his couch, trying to work out why Gayford seems so familiar to her.
But it's not Gayford's scene that's sparked concern and led to the ad being banned from Australian television.

While Barber espouses the brilliance of audio books in several scenarios, from the gym to driving with a car full of kids, it's her appearance in the fridge of Australian MasterChef contestant Poh Ling Yeow that saw complaints made by viewers.