"John Travolta was at that time as cold as they get," Tarantino's agent, Mike Simpson, said to Vanity Fair.
"He was less than zero."
Instead, Tarantino wrote the part specifically for Michael Madsen who had to pass on the role because he had already signed on for another film called Wyatt Earp.
As a leaked list of potential stars indicates, Travolta was Tarantino's "strong, strong, strong second choice," but studio boss Harvey Weinstein wasn't convinced.
"One of the actors I had on the list was John Travolta," Tarantino said.
"And it came back: 'The entire list is approved...except for John Travolta.' So I got together with Harvey, and he's like, 'I can get Daniel Day-Lewis, Sean Penn, William Hurt'."
After Tarantino threatened to walk away from the deal, Weinstein reluctantly agreed to Travolta's inclusion.
Bruce Willis was not first pick to play Butch the boxer.
Bruce Willis wasn't the first choice to play Butch the boxer.
The role was originally offered to Matt Dillon, but the actor lost his chance to appear in the film when he offended Tarantino after reading the script.
"So he gave Matt the script," Tarantino's agent, Mike Simpson said to Vanity Fair.
"And he read it and said, 'I love it. Let me sleep on it.' Quentin then called me and said, 'He's out. If he can't tell me face-to-face that he wants to be in the movie - after he read the script - he's out.'"
At the time of its release, Pulp Fiction was the second most foul-mouthed film of all time with 265 "f***s".
The only movie with more was Tarantino's 1992 movie, Reservoir Dogs.
Both films are now way down the list which is topped by Swearnet: The Movie (935 f***s), a documentary called F*** (857 f***s) and The Wolf of Wall Street (569 f***s).
John Travolta researched a lot on how to be an addict as he had no experience.
John Travolta didn't have any experience with heroin before making the film but he wanted to look authentic on the big screen, so he did A LOT of research.
But the actor revealed to Variety that he wasn't actually meant to have a jheri curl in Pulp Fiction.
"Quentin actually wanted me to have an afro wig, he wanted it to be a big afro," Jackson said.
"The PA that he sent out to buy the wig bought the wrong wig. They bought a jheri curl wig. When she came back with it, he was like, 'NO! NO! I told you afro!' And I was like, 'No, this is totally right'."
With so many stars in the film, negotiating all of the different salaries could have been a nightmare.
But producer Lawrence Bender instead offered the main cast members the same amount to star in the film.
"It turned out to be US $20,000 a week," he said to Vanity Fair.
"Travolta, I think he worked seven weeks, so he made US $140,000. John used to laugh that by the time he rented his place at the Four Seasons Hotel he basically paid to be in the movie."
Uma Thurman as the deadliest woman in the world with a knife in Kill Bill.
As Tarantino confirmed on The Project earlier this year, all of his movies are linked.
"There's the realer than real universe, all right, and all the characters inhabit that one," Tarantino said.
"But then there's this movie universe - and so From Dusk Til Dawn, Kill Bill, they all take place in this special 'movie' universe.
"So basically when the characters of Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction, when they go to the movies...Kill Bill is what they go see."
During Pulp Fiction, Samuel L. Jackson's character says that he'd like to become a drifter later in life.
Ten years later, Jackson appeared in Kill Bill Vol: 2 playing...yep, you guessed it...a drifter.
In Pulp Fiction, Uma Thurman's character reveals that she was once in a TV pilot for a show called Fox Force Five.
She described the plot as: "There was a blonde one, she was the leader. The Japanese fox was a Kung Fu master. The black girl was a demolition expert. The character I played was the deadliest woman in the world with a knife."
Does that sounds familiar?
Thurman's character basically described the plot of Kill Bill Vol: 1, in which the actress starred almost 10 years later.