It’s time for the NZ Police's summer road safety videos. This year they've enlisted some help from our paranormal division to get our messages out. / New Zealand Police
New Zealand Police have recruited the Paranormal team to help share their messages on summer road safety.
In the first of four summer road safety videos, officers O'Leary and Minogue (Karen O'Leary and Mike Minogue) from the national television series Wellington Paranormal, explains why should "make it click" - referring to a common phrase used for making sure you put your seatbelt on.
The officers are seen dealing with a grumpy zombie who didn't comply with the rules of wearing a safety belt.
The officers are seen dealing with a grumpy zombie who didn't comply with the rules of wearing a safety belt. Photo / NZ Police
"You don't want to end up like our mate in the back," officer Minogue points out.
Eventually, the zombie attacks Minogue from behind as the officer didn't make sure the rule breaker was restrained properly.
"I didn't make it click!", Minogue shouts as he's struggling to break away from the zombie.
"We are always thinking about different ways to get our messages across, and this year we thought we'd try to get the serious messages across with a bit of paranormal humour," says Superintendent Steve Greally, National Manager of Road Policing.
"We were lucky to work with the Wellington Paranormal crew and we've got four great videos to share in the lead up to the end of the year, to remind everybody to be safe on the road over summer."
New Zealand Police have recruited the Paranormal team to help share their messages on summer road safety. Photo / NZ Police
Greally says that almost a third of people who die on the roads were not wearing a seatbelt and that they could have been preventable.
"It's heart breaking to know there will be families out there missing their loved ones this Christmas, loved ones who may still be here if they had been wearing seatbelts," Greally says.
"The fact is, if you make a mistake on the road your seatbelt could be the thing that saves your life. Do you want to take your chances without it?"
Greally urges those to buckle up before you start moving, which includes kids and pets.
"Every life in that car is your responsibility as the driver," Greally says.
"As a parent, a friend, a spouse, as a human being – it's on your shoulders to get everybody where they are going safely.