Starring veteran ghoulster Al Lewis (who played Grandpa in 60s sitcom The Munsters), Grampire - originally titled Moonrise - was released in 1992. Directed by Kiwi horror pioneer David Blyth, the film follows American teen Lonny, who, while visiting family in New Zealand, catches up with his grandfather, a man with an infectious giggle, a thirst for adventure - and a set of rather large fangs.
See excerpts from Grampire here:
In 2014, Taika Waititi took vampires to the big screen again, in the brilliant What We Do in the Shadows. A mockumentary about a group of blood-thirsty Wellington flatmates, it captures the vamps as they struggle to get into Courtenay Place nightclubs, squabble over chores and face off against a crew of werewolves (led by Rhys Darby).
See the trailer for What We Do in the Shadows here:
Based on Margaret Mahy's award-winning novel The Haunting, children's drama The Haunting of Barney Palmer follows a young boy who is visited by the ghost of his great uncle. Released in 1986, it ramps up the supernatural suspense with plenty of 80s-era effects, but remains a family-friendly spooky good watch.
Watch The Haunting of Barney Palmer here:
Hauntings of a slightly scarier kind are examined in Ghost Hunt. Visiting some of New Zealand's spookiest locations - in the dead of night - the series leaves presenters on their own to investigate signs of paranormal activity. In this excerpt, actor Michael Hallows and former What Now? presenter Carolyn Taylor attempt to capture ghostly goings-on at Wellington's St James Theatre.
See an excerpt from Ghost Hunt here:
Fittingly, Halloween also marks the birthday of Sir Peter Jackson - a man responsible for delivering a veritable smorgasbord of gore to New Zealand cinema. Released in 1992, it was Jackson's early feature film Braindead that really cemented his status as the 'Sultan of Splatter', a horror-comedy that took local screen carnage to a whole new level.
Watch the trailer for Braindead here:
You can see more great content here, in NZ On Screen's Halloween Screen Screams Spotlight.