After what Fleur's just been through, she may well be ready for a break from it all, but we've rounded up some other likely candidates, starting with the most obvious:
Naz loves to win, and if you're the one handing out the roses then you're guaranteed to come out on top. Photo / Supplied
If she's to be believed, then all Naz ever wanted was to find true love.
On the other hand, if you want to believe those messages between her and her ex, then all she ever wanted was to entertain - and the girl knows how to create drama (hit list anyone?)
Naz is an obvious contender for the Bachelorette spot, especially given the amount of support she's gathered since placing second.
Dani Robinson
Dani Robinson was runner up last season, and a fan favourite. Photo / Supplied
Dani looked understandably heartbroken at finding out Art had chosen Matilda over her, but it's been a while since then and she may be looking to try her chances again.
Dani was reportedly dating tradie Logan Dodds, but took off for London last month for a new job opportunity. Still - never say never.
Alysha Brown
Alysha Brown is actually weighing up the possibility of taking the role. Photo / Norrie Montgomery
Another season one contestant, Alysha Brown may even be the most likeliest of candidates, as she seems to be considering it herself.
After it was announced that The Bachelorette NZ had the go-ahead, she took to Instagram to ask if her fans would tune in if she went for it.
In case you're wondering, the majority said yes.
Chrystal Chenery
Chrystal Chenery hasn't left the spotlight since her stint on season one of The Bach. Photo / Supplied
Chrystal's never been shy about sharing her thoughts on The Bach, and she's never shied away from the spotlight either.
She appeared in Dancing With the Stars soon after her stint on season one of The Bach, and put her name forward for Survivor NZ, so we know she's up for a bit more reality TV.
And her loyal fan base would definitely be up to watch it.
Jaime Ridge
Jaime Ridge has already been a reality TV star. Photo / Norrie Montgomery
Jaime is a bit of an outlier, being the only woman on this list to have not appeared on The Bachelor NZ, but having starred in The Ridges, we know she's no stranger to reality TV.
And while there's talk of a Ridges reboot being in the works, Jaime could easily turn her attention to The Bachelorette.