Watch the preview trailer for the final episode of season 6 of Game of Thrones, The Winds of Winter.
We're not quite done with the sixth season of Game of Thrones, but already we have enough dead to fill a cemetery.
As always, there are the people you barely even knew - and certainly won't miss too much now they're gone.
There's Smalljon Umber - the guy who killed Shaggydog and sold Rickon and Osha out to the Boltons - had his throat ripped out by Tormund in the Battle of Winterfell.
Then there's Lady Crane who helped Arya, Brother Ray who helped the Hound, and Trystane and Doran Martell, and Areo Hotah who all died at so the Sand Snakes could take Dorne.
And there's Balon Greyjoy - murdered so Euron could take the Iron Islands, and who could forget Walda Frey and her baby, who Ramsay set his dogs on?
But that's just the beginning. Here are some of the bigger names and more memorable deaths from season six:
The bad guys
Ramsay Bolton has been the biggest character to go down this season. Photo / HBO
Ramsay Bolton: No one's going to miss the show's most sadistic and one-note villain, who was killed by his own bloodthirsty hounds. Sansa got the last laugh - or at least the last smirk.
Olly and Alliser Thorne: The insurgents with the two most smug grins were punished for their parts in murdering Jon Snow. They were hanged by order of the Lord Commander.
Roose Bolton: Stabbed to death by his own son. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
The Waif: The show's relentless murderess found herself on the wrong side of Arya's Needle. Her bloody, eyeless mug is now prominently displayed in the Hall of Faces.
Khal Moro and two of the Great Masters: Here's a newsflash for all the arrogant men in Westeros and Essos who think they're in charge: You're not.
The bottom line is no dude should ever underestimate Daenerys Targaryen, or they might end up burned to a crisp, like Khal Moro, or handily executed by Grey Worm.
The good guys (and direwolf)
If only Rickon Stark had zig-zagged instead of going exactly where Ramsay told him to. Photo / HBO
Rickon Stark: At least one Stark has to die each season, and this season it was Rickon. If only he hadn't run in a straight line, maybe he could have avoided getting shot through the heart by Ramsay Bolton's arrow.
Even Art Parkinson, who portrayed Rickon on the show, wished his character was a savvier sprinter.
Hodor: No one has quite recovered from this one - both because it was tragic and because it was one of those confounding plot twists that gives people a headache.
Hodor was such a sweet big lug, and we finally found out how he got his name - "Hold the door!" - while he was sacrificing himself to save Bran and Meera from wights.
Osha: Osha was strategic right to the end. She never showed fear and tried to seduce Ramsay while sneakily reaching for his knife. Alas, she wasn't as quick as her adversary.
RIP Wun Wun, if only they'd armed you better. Photo / HBO
Wun Wun: He put up a good fight during Bastard Bowl. Even when he was shot full of arrows, he did what he could to break through the phalanx of Bolton fighters, and he used his last ounces of energy to break down the door at Winterfell.
He would have no doubt died anyway, but that last arrow to the eye courtesy of Ramsay, was a step too far.
The Three-Eyed Raven: Being trapped in the trunk of a tree is no way to live. It also makes escape difficult when the Night's King pays you a visit.
The Children of the Forest: It was sad that these eco-friendly beings were massacred by White Walkers, but considering the first inhabitants of Westeros invented wights themselves, maybe their demise was also kind of appropriate.
Shaggydog: Another direwolf down. This one killed by the Umbers.
The Blackfish: At least we assume he died. He didn't seem like he would go down without a fight once Jaime and the Frey army breached the walls of Riverrun. But when you don't see something happen, it makes you wonder. . .
Could the theories about Cersei be true? Photo / Supplied
We've had some big deaths this season, but none as major as, say, Ned Stark or Jon Snow, Joffrey Baratheon or Tywin Lannister.
Here are some guesses for what heartbreak or comeuppance the final episode might deliver (with some possible spoilery-theorizing, so reader beware).
Tommen Baratheon
It's prophesied, after all, so it'll happen eventually. And there's no time like the present, when he's made a very powerful enemy: his own mother.
Cersei Lannister
Here's where things get very theory-centric. A vocal crowd of fans believes that, now that Cersei can't have a battle by combat, she is going to burn King's Landing to the ground with all the wildfire under the city.
If that happens, we're looking at mass casualties, which could also include Margaery, Lancel, Loras, the Sparrow, Qyburn and the Mountain - assuming the undead can die.
Could Melisandre be next to die? Photo / HBO
Ser Davos or Melisandre
Last episode set us up for a showdown when Davos found Shireen's figurine on a pyre. He's pieced together how Stannis' daughter died, and he's going to confront the Red Woman about it.
If someone's going to die, our money's on Davos. He's just too good-hearted of a character. Lovable people like that never last long.