Matt Damon didn't hold back as Kavanaugh. Photo / Youtube
Matt Damon didn't hold back as Kavanaugh. Photo / Youtube
Saturday Night Live has taken on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's senate committee testimony, with Matt Damon taking on the role of the embattled judge.
Kavanaugh was portrayed as a "keg half full guy" as he began his furious testimony, the DailyMail reports.
"I'ma start at an 11, and I'ma take it to a 15 real quick," he said to the judicial committee. "I'm not backing down you sons of b****es, I don't know the meaning of the world stop."
Kavanaugh's detailed calendars from his high school years were also mocked, with Damon pulling one out to display, before mimicking the judge telling the committee the accusations leveled against him were a political attack.
"Dr. Ford has no evidence, none. Meanwhile, I've got these. I've got these calendars," he said. "These beautiful, creepy calendars about lifting weights with P.J. And Squee and donkey Donald Doug. But you don't care about Squee or donkey dong Doug, do you?
"You just want to humiliate me in front of my wife. My parents, and Alyssa freaking Milano."
Milano did attend the hearing on Thursday.
Damon as Kavanaugh referenced the judge's vow that he did not have sex for many years after college, calling himself the "proudest, drunkest virgin you've ever seen".
The cast did not miss the chance to mock some of the senators on the judicial committee, taking aim at Senator Lindsey Graham.
Kate McKinnon as Senator Lindsey Graham.
When the floor was yielded to the Republican senator, Graham, played by Kate McKinnon, mocked the senator's support of Kavanaugh.
"I know I'm supposed to shut up because I'm a single white male, 5'10" uncut. But I will not shut up because this is a bunch of c***," he said.
"This ain't no trial. There ain't no due process. Do you know what this is, judge Kavanaugh? Do you know what this is? This is. Hell. That's what that is. It's hell. Is this hell to you, Judge Kavanaugh? It's horrific. And for what? You don't just be Bill Cosby and then suddenly you're not anymore."
"Okay, you don't have to compare me to Bill Cosby," Kavanaugh replied.
"No, you are him. Imagine this man in handcuffs like Cosby," Graham said.
"Put this man on the Supreme Court right now. No votes, no discussion. You give him a god damn robe and you let him do whatever the hell he wants. Because this right now, this is my audition for the Trump cabinet."
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, played by Pete Davidson, asked Kavanaugh in the hearing what some of his yearbook entries meant.
When he tried to say they were terms for farting or a drinking game, he responded: "Judge Kavanaugh, my staff just googled all these terms and they clearly refer to sex."
"Well that's impossible because I didn't have sex for many, many, many years," Kavanaugh replied. "All I did was drink a lot and not think about having sex at all. I was the proudest, drunkest virgin you've ever seen. And everyone can relate to that."
Damon's Kavanugh then raged: "You think I'm angry, you're damn right I am. But you think I'm angry now, you just wait till I get on that supreme court because then you're all going to pay. Give me a can of water."