There were no holds barred when Jeff Goldblum took to the stage to battle rap James Corden last night.
The legendary actor and accomplished jazz musician joined Corden for Drop the Mic, a battle rap game on Corden's talk show, The Late Late Show. But the host quickly realised he was in for a rough ride when Goldblum unleashed an initial flurry of verbal attacks taking aim at his starring role in the upcoming movie adaptation of the musical Cats.
"I saw the 'Cats' trailer and quickly noticed you/ You were the weirdest part of it and that's hard to do," Goldblum spat, getting all up in Corden's grill. The Cats trailer has been widely derided as creepy and weird looking since it was released last week.

But the actor wasn't done there. Dropping a rap-bomb on the host Goldblum managed to express disbelief that Corden had procreated and deliver one of his most iconic lines to finish him off.