Watch the brand new video from The Sami Sisters - Jumpstart. Here, directors Madeleine Sami and Sarah Larnach explain their vision behind the video.
"The concept for the video came an idea that the Sami Sisters are these chic modern muses; manipulating lives remotely, but most importantly positively influencing the lives of our two protagonists.
"We wanted to illustrate a really simple little story of friendship and making ones own way in the world, backed up by the sisters providing the inspiration and courage required.
"We were lucky to find two awesome teenage guys to play the friends, and Madeleine had a sweet word to the talented Stephen Papps, who played the fanatic preacher father of one of the boys.
"The story goes that one young man is being oppressed by his fanatical father, and this boy has schemed with his friend that the friend will come and 'bust him out' of the service he's obliged to attend. Perhaps this rescue pact was the high spirited crap talk typical of two teens, but the friend gets his courage up (inspired by those Samis) and really does front up to the service.