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VIDEO PREMIERE: Carnivorous Plant Society, Misty Magic Land

<p>Watch the new video from Carnivorous Plant Society, featuring trumpet/keyboard player (and video creator) Finn Scholes.</p> <p>The five-piece band - whose music has been described as "cinematic jazz", has a wide variety of influences from Mariachi music to the stories of Stephen King.</p> <p><i>Misty Magic Land</i> is a musical adventure story, visualised as a comic about a man's journey through another universe. His journey starts as a mere stroll down the road. But, after touching a magic star, our comic hero is teleported to a world of fantasy and horror where anything is possible.</p> <p>The Carnivorous Plant's self-titled album is due to be released on the 16th November at Auckland's Wammy Bar. It is also rumoured that more fearfully imaginative videos will follow.</p>

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