"This year it's going to be a war... Villa Wars!" Mark Richardson throws his hands in the air, a crazed polar fleece king atop his fragile scaffolding castle. Important wars aside, this Sandringham battle zone is something we'll be seeing a lot more of in the coming weeks of The Block NZ. Armed with aggressive "sledgies" (Kat's cool made-up slang for sledgehammers), the teams will compete to renovate and resell four absolutely bunged-up villas in Auckland's sought after central west.
We're in the fourth season now, so what will they do differently? What exciting bespoke features will keep us nosy punters coming back each week? First of all, the houses seem worse than usual - four villas crammed together, harbouring fire damage, missing walls and thick mould. There's detritus everywhere, all signs point to the houses arriving on a Wizard of Oz style tornado. I just can't wait to see who finds the stripy socks of a squashed wicked witch under the floorboards.

Let's start with the teams, who we meet when they are accosted on their front steps by Mark Richardson at the crack of dawn. Many do what any rational person would if Richardson showed up at your door grinning, unannounced, at some ungodly hour: cry confusedly. Luckily, each team seems to harbour a distinct quality which will help define them and hopefully help us remember all their names in the many weeks to come.
Brooke and Mitch are loved-up 25-year-olds from Christchurch. Mitch is an industrious Kiwi legend, who made Brooke a New Zealand map out of toilet parts for her birthday. "I ain't paying $140 for that when you can make one for $20," he beams. I expect this thrifty streak will go very far, or at least take the toilet to many more places that just the bathroom.