Bran may well provide the answers fans are hoping for this season.
Bran may well provide the answers fans are hoping for this season.
SPOILERS: This review contains details from episode three season six of Game of Thrones. Don't read if you haven't seen the show.
In what seems to be the pattern for season six, this episode is less about the action and revelations and more about the set up as all storylines point to something big coming next week.
Sam is back and he's taking Giilly to stay at his place in Horn Hill while he goes off to become a Maester so that he can help Jon "when the time comes".
Bran is still warging into the past, this time watching his father attempt to reach his sister in the Tower of Joy. So it seems the next episode will see the return of Lyanna Stark (at least, via Bran-vision).
This is especially exciting as many fans have theorised that Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's real parents, making Snow not only kin to Danaerys, but a real contender for the Iron Throne.
Speaking of Dany, she's in trouble again - having been taken to the Dothraki HQ to find out she was supposed to join some kind of Dothraki old wives' club as soon as Khal Drogo died, but because she continued on alone instead, she's now in a heap of trouble.
The wives of Khals are supposed to join some special Dothraki club, but Dany didn't.
While she's gone though, Tyrion and Varys seem to be running things in Mereen with the council of Grey Worm and Missandei.
But back at King's Landing, Varys' little birds - who have turned out to be street children - have been snapped up by Cersei and sent off to keep an eye on her enemies.
She and Jaime are shut out of a meeting of the King's council, where Lady Olenna is looking smug as ever reminding Cersei that Margaery is the real queen.
Though Margaery may be a widow soon, as Tommen is getting uncomfortably cosy with the High Sparrow who seems to be winning favour with the young king (despite having forced his mother to undertake a so-called "walk of atonement").
In Braavos, Arya has just got herself a hero-style training montage and finally beat the girl that's been attacking her daily. As a reward, she gets her eyesight back and looks set to step up now that her training's complete.
Now that she can see again, Arya seems more resolute than ever - but what's she going to do?
There's no word of Sansa this episode, but young Rickon Stark has finally made a reappearance - in the worst way possible.
He and wildling Osha have just been gifted to Ramsay Bolton, along with the head of yet another dead dire wolf (seriously, where is Nymeria? #PrayForNymeria).
Most importantly though, Jon Snow is back amongst the living, and everyone at Castle Black is convinced he's a God.
Everyone except Tormund Giantsbane (the new leader of the wildlings), who marches right up to Snow and says he knows he's not a God because, "what kind of God would have a pecker that small?" (Good one, Tormund).
At first it seems like a time to celebrate, but later, Snow hangs his murderers in quite a graphic scene which sees a so-far deathless episode clock up four deaths at once - including a lingering shot of Olly's blue face, presumably for the enjoyment of everyone who hasn't forgiven him for taking the first stab at Snow.
Coming back to life was the easy part; what's Jon going to do now?
After cutting the rope to send them hanging himself, Snow takes off his cloak and hands it over telling the men he doesn't care what they do because, "my watch has ended".
Jon Snow is leaving the wall - question is, where is he going?