If there was ever a time for our favourite rule-breaker Susan Devoy to really kick off, it’s episode four.
Tensions are rising within the rival camps and Devoy decides a commando-style army crawl is in order to visit son Josh Oakley in camp fans. She even takes a wee food parcel with her as she creeps past security and gleefully announces the success of her mission.
But back home at camp faves, captain Matty McLean is less than happy at the unsanctioned move.
“Im pissed off that she did that. We didn’t sanction any kind of trade. Im the captain. It needs to be a group decision. We can’t have one person unilaterally deciding that that is what is best for this team. That’s not how this game works,” shares the fired-up captain.
And at camp fan, Anna Thomas reveals she doesn’t like Oakley - this is no shock to anyone who has watched the last three episodes - and feels he doesn’t give her the time of day. Katy Middleton gives her a cuddle and then immediately goes and tells Oakley that Thomas is upset. It’s a strange move and Middleton is filled with instant regret as it sets Oakley off.
But before Oakley can even think about cooling down (which is unlikely) it’s charity challenge time for team fans with an extreme game of charades.
Dave Wardie is king of the game and in the ultimate faceoff, he goes home with the $5000 for Te Kiwi Maia, who assists in rehab and recovery for first responders.
In the most backwards compliment of all time, Adam O’Brien reveals, “even though I can’t stand the toothpick man (Wardie) the toothpick man is supporting an amazing charity.”
Back at team faves, McLean is still fuming over the unsanctioned trade and conversations that took place between Devoy and Oakley.
The rest of the faves make a plan to get rid of the family partnership, with the duo suggested as the next elimination duo to face off. The drama is real, but the move is undeniably brilliant unless Devoy sacrifices herself for her son.
At the face-off, Green spots a surprise little bag that’s been left out for just him and it’s revealed that Devoy in fact traded the food for some coffee while journeying to camp fan.
“See it wasn’t a stitch-up,” says Devoy to her team who are absolutely filthy at the move.
Devoy is given an official warning for breaking the rules of the game but laughs it off. “I think it was a slap on the wrist with a wet bus ticket. I’m not taking it that seriously,” it’s a flex from Devoy to be honest.
Then it’s time for the games to begin with the losing team having to decide a new captain and the winning team getting a sushi platter.
The maze and slingshot themed game begins and Lance Savali doesn’t waste the opportunity messing with Oakley with a dummy step to throw him off track.
Then Wardie struggles with the maze, apparently a lot tricker when not in the back pages of a magazine.
But when it comes to the slingshot, McLean makes the final shot for team faves, saving his own captaincy and bringing home a plate of sushi for his team.
Green finally gets a chance to nab his baggie and it’s giving Christmas morning vibes when he ducks away to speak to the camera. “Should we open it? Ooooh. Ooooh. Yeah I’ve got no idea what this is,” laughs Green.
In the fans team, Jane Yee’s captaincy is over and O’Brien realises maybe there’s a reason why fans don’t play this game. He labels his team as the worst team in Treasure Island history and look, he’s not wrong.
Back at faves camp, Kronfeld is loving sushi garnish and a cyclone comes through camp – no it’s not Oakley – it’s a literal cyclone.
Kronfeld has clearly screamed at a storm a time or two before.
Kronfeld knows the rules about waiting an hour after eating before swimming but throws caution to the blustery wind and body surfs through the storm in his undies, after taking a moment to shout the sky. It’s like Man vs. Wild if Bear Grylls was an openside flanker with a heart of gold.
Thomas gets voted in as captain on team fan meaning someone – Middleton – pulled a swift one on Oakley and only Oakley voted for Oakley. Oakley is mad and decides Middleton is dangerous - this is the first time in her life Middleton has been called dangerous.
“It’s over,” Oakley declares, after telling Yee that this team can no longer all be mates. It’s all very dramatic and Yee goes full mum, but Oakley’s mum is a Dame so he’s done listening.
Middleton then explains her choice to Oakley citing her woman’s group as her inspiration; “Through woman’s group I’ve been learning that if you say you’ll do something, then actually it turns out to not to be the right thing for you, you are allowed to change your mind.” Where was this inspo when I was halfway through Prince Harry’s Spare?
But it’s Yee who turns on Middleton, asking “do you not think that may have been a wasted vote though?” I mean, if we are talking about things that have been wasted, let’s not forget that save card in episode two Yee.
Back at camp Beka, Savali narrates the storm and it’s sounding a lot like every Aucklander last week: “The rains coming through the roof and I’m just lying here like everythings normal when really it’s just s***.”
Then it’s captain’s test time and Yee decides she’s still the voice of the team, revealing that she didn’t actually vote, but knows people aren’t happy with the outcome. This sentiment is also reminiscent of Auckland last week.
But then host Bree Tomasel reveals that a team member of the faves will be headed to the nightmare that is camp fans and the winning captain gets to decide who it is.
It’s a game of pawpaw in the box to decide the winner and McLean turns out to be a master of manipulation, cracking the code and correctly guessing.
McLean is the king of pawpaw in the box.
This means he has the power to decide which team member goes to camp dysfunction and who stays in team fun. So who will it be?? We will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.