The islands cutest duo go head-to-head. Photo / TVNZ
The islands cutest duo go head-to-head. Photo / TVNZ
It’s day 10 on the island and we begin the episode with “aunty” Dame Susan Devoy returning to the island after a very dramatic medical exit in the middle of the night.
Devoy was removed from camp after a tearful breakdown and treated for what she revealed was “extreme exhaustion”. But the good news is, she’s feeling much better today.
Much like any parent, she returns from her medical exit and is straight back into her daily tasks, including preparing a meal for the kids she left behind.
But there’s one nagging thing on our minds - what is Alex King’s advantage?
Before we can get answers, Dave Wardie, the only fan left on the island, is making his presence known in the camp, cracking Art Green’s back in a true show of love.
Still, with no answers to what King had on her advantage card, it’s charity challenge time and the final eight get to enjoy a little upside-down glasses basketball.
The Dame knows this could be a challenge for her and her cheeky antics that the others won’t be able to see while donning the glasses. She stays true to her word and won’t let go of the ball, so Green picks up Devoy and lifts her across the court before the Dame gives Green a cheeky tickle.
And her strategy pays off, with Devoy going full “menace” on Lance Savali and team Devoy and King take home $2500 each for their charities, The Aunties and Duffy Books.
Back at camp, King knows the cards are stacked against her, with Savali and Green adamant she has to go and sending McLean in to find out what her advantage is.
But he doesn’t even have to ask, King simply blurts out what it is and suddenly McLean isn’t so sure he’s going to pass this information on to Savali.
McLean has his own game in mind and decides to keep the secret for himself - well that is until King tells Lana Searle and Joe Cotton and they begin to plot against “Superman and Robin” - clearly massive fans of the famous (non-existent) DC Superman and Robin comic strip - aka Green and Savali.
But what is the advantage? We still don’t know, even when devious Devoy tries to dig for information.
And the individual faceoff might just fall into the hands of the less physical members of the team, as it’s puzzle-based – “Superman and Robin’s” kryptonite.
The winner of the faceoff gets to select one person to put up for elimination and the other looks to be decided by King if our spidey senses are right.
And they are, the power is in King’s hands to pick a player that she would like to try and remove from the game. The winner also gets a traditional Fijian meal and sadly there’s no bouncy castle for Green - Wardie makes it his mission to whittle him one from scratch.
The multi-puzzle battle is very tense, and McLean’s dwindling alliance is on show with Green and Savali realising he’s no longer on their side after refusing to pass on the secret code.
It’s Wardie vs. McLean in the final stage and McLean’s frustration is clear as camp dad Wardie is crushing the puzzling. Green knows Wardie won’t put him up for elimination so breathes a sigh of relief as Wardie wins the face-off and the power is in his hands – well half the power.
Wardie takes Savali and McLean with him on his seafood feast and back at camp lonely boy Green contemplates eating moisturiser and plain flour.
Wardie reveals he’s thinking about putting up Cotton, and Savali is baffled – why would he not want to knock out a huge competitor? But he’s not about to tell him what a mistake it is, instead, he concludes the baffling move is “smart”.
But if Wardie was to make a smart move in order to protect his alliance, surely he would put up King, knowing full well she wouldn’t put up any of his boys in fear that they would knock her out. Or, he would scrap his alliance and put up his two biggest competitors - Green and Savali. Instead, he picks Cotton?
At the elimination arena, Wardie sticks with putting up Cotton and King’s lands on Green. Savali literally laughs out loud at the decision, and Mclean isn’t far behind – what is King thinking when Savali tried to get rid of her last night and this move will likely leave Green with even more clues?
It goes terribly almost immediately as it’s a game based on speed and quick reactions - the two skills, second only to insects, where Green specialises. But Cotton does fight back and it’s beautiful to watch.
Joe Cotton is sent home, but not without putting up a fight. Photo / TVNZ
However, Green takes the game 3-2 and our beautiful wing-eyed Cotton goes home, but not without putting up a triumphant effort for her charity.
“Art Green is one superhuman man,” shares King, whose plan has been foiled. And we agree, deciding it actually might be nice if someone that brilliant walked away with the Treasure.