The world of Harry Potter is full of magic, mystery and mayhem. But despite the boy wizard's youthful charm and popularity, Harry's not short of an enemy or two . . .
These muggles, witches and wizards could set up a "We hate Harry Potter fanclub" if they so desired. As villains go, this lot are the epitome of evil:
10. Vernon, Petunia and Dudley Dursley
These muggles are the last of Harry's living relatives and they usually make his summer holidays a living hell with their strict rules and utter contempt for his magical prowess.
9. Dolores Umbridge
Professor in pink Dolores was sent by the Ministry of Magic to Hogwarts to teach, but she ended up causing vast amounts of chaos. She definitely won't be on Harry's Christmas card list.
8. Professor Quirrell
While appearing to be Hogwart's Defence against the Dark Arts professor, Quirrell was in fact a Voldemort-posessed villain with only evil deeds in mind.
7. Professor Snape
A decidedly shady character, this former Voldemort supporter makes no secret of the fact he'd like to teach Defence against the Dark Arts. His mission in life is to make Harry's life a living nightmare.
6. Barty Crouch Jr.
Demented prison escapee Barty Crouch Jr. kidnapped Mad Eye Moody, became his imposter, then killed his own father on Hogwarts grounds. A slippery character with only malice in mind.
5. Draco Malfoy
Following in his father's footsteps, Draco has nothing but disdain for Muggle-born wizards. As a Slitherin student at Hogwarts, Draco is one of Harry's prime nemeses.
4. Lucius Malfoy
He prances around theatrically with his flamboyant cape and cane, but Harry's not fooled by his seemingly innocent guise. Lucius Malfoy's loyalties, much like his son's, lie not with the Ministry of Magic, but with something far more sinister . . .
3. Bellatrix Lestrange
A Death Eater witch and firm supporter of Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange's evil deeds include torturing Neville Longbottom's poor parents with a curse that ultimately drove them insane.
2. Peter Pettigrew
Nothing short of a cowardly traitor, "Wormtail" turned to the dark side early on when he unearthed the hideaway of Harry Potter's parents.
1. Lord Voldemort
Voldemort, referred to as "He who must not be named", is a power-hungry, snake-like villain who is on a mission to become immortal and wipe out the "boy who lived" - Harry Potter.