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Top Gear star: 'I'm in the grip of a monumental midlife crisis'

By Georgina Roberts
The Times·
4 mins to read

Presenter Richard Hammond, 53, grew up in Solihull and worked on local radio stations before getting his break on Top Gear in 2002. While filming in 2006 he had a high-speed car crash that left him in a coma for two weeks. In 2015, he started The Grand Tour on Prime Video with Jeremy Clarkson and James May. He lives in Herefordshire with his wife, Mindy, and their two children.

My wife says I was the nicest I’ve ever been I have no memory at all of the first few weeks I was in hospital in 2006, because my brain wasn’t writing down memories. Apparently I would sit and read the same newspaper again and again. They’d ask me what I wanted for lunch, then bring it, and I’d say, “How did you know?” I had no functioning moment-to-moment memory. The medium term still isn’t brilliant.
