Auckland Town Hall: A fringe arts festival is nothing if not varied – and now that the Auckland Fringe is underway again, there's the chance to see everything from plays which pay homage to Scottish ancestors (Run Rabbit) to spoken word poetry that waxes lyrical about bollards (Bollards and the Comedy of Hyperindustrialisation – and, no, we're not sure what it means, either). Auckland Town Hall becomes Fringe Town for the next four days with an extraordinary line-up of edgy performances and art, probably none bigger than Russian provocateurs Pussy Riot who perform tomorrow night. There's also dance courtesy of Movement of the Human, an all-ages K-Pop dance party, Māori movement classes and Pacific dance/theatre.
Auckland Fringe Arts Festival, Fringe Town, Auckland Town Hall, until Sunday.
Festival itself runs until Sunday, March 3
![The fashion Pacific Sisters created melded traditional and contemporary, reflecting a new Pacific identity.](
Auckland Art Gallery:
In the 1990s, Auckland was yet to wake up and realise that it was the biggest Pacific city in the world but a collective of mostly female Pacific and Māori fashion designers, artists and performers was about to change the way we looked at our place in the world. Through pioneering shows – fashion and art – the Pacific Sisters started doin' it for themselves and making art that would challenge and ultimately change the mainstream for good. Now a major retrospective of their work comes to Auckland, showcasing the collective's ground-breaking costumes and performances.
Pacific Sisters: He Toa Tāera/Fashion, Auckland Art Gallery, Saturday – Sunday, July 14