My heart nearly broke when, last year, my firstborn announced she was "too old" for children's theatre now she'd reached double digits but there was solace in Miss Six saying she's not too old and intends to keep going "forever".
She's doubly sure of that after Saturday evening's performance of The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch, produced by Tim Bray Productions which, for 25 years, has been making excellent shows for young theatre-goers and the adults fortunate enough to accompany them.
To celebrate its silver jubilee, the company is bringing back favourite shows from its repertoire and The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch is first.

It seamlessly incorporates three stories by New Zealand author Ronda Armitage with a small cast giving superb performances, including newsreader Simon Dallow who makes a perfectly pitched guest appearance. You got to love Rutene Spooner and Hadley Taylor as seagulls-with-attitude, too.
One of the reasons I like Tim Bray's shows is because of the consistency of production design. It's always smart but unpretentious with clever touches which amuse and amaze young and old alike.