A blast of youthful energy from Massive Nui Ensemble delivers a clear message about the need for a positive attitude when taking on the challenge of discovering who you are.
Chance to Ignite emerged out of an intensive workshop process in which the seven-member, all-female cast refined and honed material from their everyday experiences. Most of the stories explore emotional conflicts that arise when notions of self-worth run up against the anxieties generated by the judgements of others.
Akinehi Munroe presents a sharp observation on the casual brutality of school kids exchanging insults and movingly expresses the unspoken hurt caused by such encounters.
Celeste de Freido brings a nicely understated humour to her deadpan description of the hazards lurking beneath a simple walk through countryside and the ensemble combines effectively to reinforce her monologue about finding tranquillity amid the chaos of the dance-floor.
Seini Leo'o Olo shows a talent for poetic metaphors as she takes us into the private world of a "wonderful weirdo" who feels like a TV screen when atmospheric conditions cause the picture to disintegrate.