A hikoi designed to get Aucklanders thinking more about the past and future of their harbour will launch a major exhibition at a city art gallery.
Lisa Beauchamp, curator at the recently refurbished Gus Fisher Gallery, says the exhibition, called The Slipping Away, coincides with plastic free July – a global environmental campaign challenging consumers to refuse single-use plastics.
New Zealand, with more than 15,000kms of coastline, produces five times the global daily waste average making us the tenth most wasteful nation in the world.
As Beauchamp, who arrived from the United Kingdom last year, was planning the exhibition, she learned the Gus Fisher Gallery's Shortland Street location was once Auckland's original shoreline.
"Like many people, I am concerned about the impact of plastic waste on our environment, especially the oceans, so given the exhibition coincided with plastic free July, it made sense to do something which drew attention to the importance of the sea in the lives of Aucklanders. A hikoi tracing the reclamation of land back to the original shoreline seemed like a good way to do this."