Kiwi filmmaker Taika Waititi has become the latest Kiwi to win an Oscar, taking out Best Adapted Screenplay for Jojo Rabbit at the 92nd Academy Awards at Los Angeles' Dolby Theatre.
"Thank you, Kia Ora," said a slightly nervous Waititi as he accepted the Academy Award.
He thanked his mother and dedicated the award to indigenous children around the world.
It is the first Oscar and third nomination for Waititi. He follows a string of New Zealand Oscar winners over the decades, including Peter Jackson, Jane Campion and Anna Paquin.
"Amazing. Thank you," Waititi said, holding the statue. "This is really light. It's supposed to be heavy," he joked, before thanking his mother "for being my mother and for, I mean, for many other reasons. For giving me the book I adapted. This film wouldn't have existed without you doing that."